Here is an IDENTICAL situation to JG's on Heil in a Mega match called correctly (link)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Here is the video - note when the official awards the TD and what Edelen does immidiately following the award of the TD on the very first TD shown in the video! Again, this is IDENTICAL to the situation in the JG match including Mega hooking Edelen's leg with his own leg on the side where Edelen has crotch-lock (IOW, I wouldn't be at all surprised if Jimmy was taught to do exactly what he did by Mega). The reason Edelen does what he does following the award of the TD is to avoid getting STACKED by Mega! Here is the video:

Just complete bull$hit and a butchering of the rules to favor Heil out of unadulterated bias by Hagerty. I found the referenced video in a string on discussing this very topic -- HERE'S A LINK. The survey at top of discussion also quite interesting given that this is a neutral source without bias toward either wrestler.
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