You are right on the money Spin Master. I keep hearing that individuals who sold an ounce of MJ end up with 20-25 years in prison. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our prisons are "full of repeat offenders" meaning at least 95% of them have committed felony crimes before. And, that is the crimes that they were arrested of convicted of.
If these maggots would have just served the sentence they originally received, 15-20 years, You can bet your ass there would not be an overflow problem with the need to build more prisons. And, your point about the Welfare system and the continuous birth out of wedlock, namely in our cities, continually turns these fatherless kids into hard core criminals, Gang Bangers who also start collecting welfare and think life is good by selling more drugs. Thanks to Obama, they now have a free cell phone to conduct their business.
These liberal politicians will do anything to just keep the votes they need to stay in office. I'm talking about politicians that are "liberal multi-millionaires" Polosi, Reid, the Clintons just made "145 million dollars" and Hillary is trying to pander to the black community by bringing up racism, and she thinks she is for the "middle class." Nothing could be further from the truth.
Boyer says that Vice Detectives are making 160K a year with over time from drug cases. Maybe some are, but I can speak right form the horses mouth that a lot of them don't come close to making that kind of money. But, "Politicians" serve six years in congress and get a life time pension of "15K" with every benefit you can think of, and they Do Not contribute one stinking dime to get that insane pension!!!