In my dreams - Ira Lubert calls for a press conference and invites the national media. At this press conference he clearly states the following:
1. He REFUTES the Freeh Report and tells the nation that it's not worth the paper it's written on and that the Board will be asking for a REFUND.
2. He submits an APOLOGY to Sue Paterno and her family for the disgusting, despicable way the denizens in Old Main and on the Board have treated Joe. He BEGS for her forgiveness.
3. He demands an APOLOGY from the national sports media for using the Paterno name to flame and defame - all done for cheap web hits, clicks and ad dollars.
4. He demands a FULL INVESTIGATION into Second Mile & Centre County CYS for employing and empowering a preferential child sexual offender and ascribing to a Code of Silence these past 4 plus years - letting this all burn on Penn State's doorstep.
5. He APOLOGIZES to Dr. Spanier, Tim Curley & Gary Schultz on behalf of the university (a la the Freeh Farce) for allowing them to be found guilty in the Court of Public Opinion and asks that the Office of Attorney General DROP the remaining bogus charges.
6. He calls for the RESTORATION of the Players Wall and offers an APOLOGY to all those Lettermen who happen to be fathers, grandfathers, uncles, sons and brothers, for the torching of their legacy.
Did I forget anything?