Hey in the daily news they mentioned a board member Chitownlion (sp)? Anyone know this..............

handle. It was with regards to arguing with Seth Williams Phila DA

Think I may have heard of him. He's just one of the "little people" who 'don't get it' per the powers that be. Just some biased loon who can't deal with reality............;).

Truth is, he and Wensilver are on top of these events more than most and run circles around any reporter on the facts. It's to the point that now the Daily News has him in the paper.
handle. It was with regards to arguing with Seth Williams Phila DA

Look at the thread about Philly press now going after Seth. That is a good start. Chi is a great Penn Stater. He has been very active, especially helping us follow developments that are revealed on Twitter.

First and foremost, though, I really enjoyed his picture posts in the past that honored graduating classes of football players.