Hey Judge, Har-puke had a busy month of June so far with "Off-Campus Contact" Violations (link)


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
HIT THIS LINK: "So it was that Jim Harbaugh, the University of Michigan coach, committed a National Collegiate Athletic Association recruiting violation right in front of me Thursday morning at one of the so-called satellite camps in Atlanta.".

Does Jimbo ever do any Satellite Camps where he doesn't violate the NCAA's Impermissible Off-Campus Contact Rules for the Spring-Summer Quiet and Evaluation Periods???
HIT THIS LINK: "So it was that Jim Harbaugh, the University of Michigan coach, committed a National Collegiate Athletic Association recruiting violation right in front of me Thursday morning at one of the so-called satellite camps in Atlanta.".

Does Jimbo ever do any Satellite Camps where he doesn't violate the NCAA's Impermissible Off-Campus Contact Rules for the Spring-Summer Quiet and Evaluation Periods???

Here is an article that references the violation of the same rules only two days after the cited Atlanta Camp violation at the Indianapolis Camp that you referenced earlier:

That article has the following embedded:

Michigan Compliance ‏@umichcompliance Jun 4
NCAA rules prohibit UM coaches & staff from taking pictures w/ recruits or their family before, during or after Non-institutional camps.

46 retweets73 likes​

Jimbo & Crew seem to be walking rules violations at these camps - go figure......
HIT THIS LINK: "So it was that Jim Harbaugh, the University of Michigan coach, committed a National Collegiate Athletic Association recruiting violation right in front of me Thursday morning at one of the so-called satellite camps in Atlanta.".

Does Jimbo ever do any Satellite Camps where he doesn't violate the NCAA's Impermissible Off-Campus Contact Rules for the Spring-Summer Quiet and Evaluation Periods???
The guy lives rent free inside your Mellon that's for sure. Very entertaining
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Nothing to see here,. Move along.

So if these itty bitty rules mean absolutely nothing to Harbaugh, what big rules is he breaking as well?

I find it amusing the Penn State fans that are willing to give Harbaugh a 100% pass at thumbing his nose at rules on the books.

Yes, maybe they are secondary violations. And sometime coaches overlook a rule, or make an innocent mistake and a secondary rule violation occurs. That isn't what we're seeing here. Harbaugh knows it is against the rules, he talks to reporters about those rules, and then he goes out and he does what he wants anyway. Sorry, that is a lack of integrity. And the fact that the penalty is a slap on the wrist, or no penalty at all, doesn't excuse it in any way.

Integrity. You either have it or you don't.
Nothing to see here,. Move along.

So if these itty bitty rules mean absolutely nothing to Harbaugh, what big rules is he breaking as well?

I find it amusing the Penn State fans that are willing to give Harbaugh a 100% pass at thumbing his nose at rules on the books.

Yes, maybe they are secondary violations. And sometime coaches overlook a rule, or make an innocent mistake and a secondary rule violation occurs. That isn't what we're seeing here. Harbaugh knows it is against the rules, he talks to reporters about those rules, and then he goes out and he does what he wants anyway. Sorry, that is a lack of integrity. And the fact that the penalty is a slap on the wrist, or no penalty at all, doesn't excuse it in any way.

Integrity. You either have it or you don't.

I find it more amazing that some PSU fans can't realize how stupid and antiquated the NCAA is. The NCAA can't govern the billion dollar a year BUSINESS anymore and I don't care at all if JH is posing for pics or signing his name. I care about PSU beating him on the field and that is about it. If he was out there handing out cash himself, it would be one thing. He is pushing the line and at this point there is nobody governing the sport to stop him. I get BODE is obsessed with being a victim of the BT and UM in particular, but quite a few of us are not obsessed with JH. I just want to see PSU beat them on the field which will come in the next year or two (this year will be tough).
I find it more amazing that some PSU fans can't realize how stupid and antiquated the NCAA is. The NCAA can't govern the billion dollar a year BUSINESS anymore and I don't care at all if JH is posing for pics or signing his name. I care about PSU beating him on the field and that is about it. If he was out there handing out cash himself, it would be one thing. He is pushing the line and at this point there is nobody governing the sport to stop him. I get BODE is obsessed with being a victim of the BT and UM in particular, but quite a few of us are not obsessed with JH. I just want to see PSU beat them on the field which will come in the next year or two (this year will be tough).

I think a lot of Penn State fans would care if Franklin was blatantly disregarding rules.

So you determine what rules are "no big deal" and what rules matter?

A head coach of a major football program is supposed to be a leader of men. What is the lesson here? Don't follow rules you've agreed to follow as part of your job if you can get away with it and the consequences aren't a big deal. Great message. Sure you'd teach the same thing to your kids.

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I find it more amazing that some PSU fans can't realize how stupid and antiquated the NCAA is. The NCAA can't govern the billion dollar a year BUSINESS anymore and I don't care at all if JH is posing for pics or signing his name. I care about PSU beating him on the field and that is about it. If he was out there handing out cash himself, it would be one thing. He is pushing the line and at this point there is nobody governing the sport to stop him. I get BODE is obsessed with being a victim of the BT and UM in particular, but quite a few of us are not obsessed with JH. I just want to see PSU beat them on the field which will come in the next year or two (this year will be tough).

One other thing....whenever the conversation turns to cheating, or rule breaking, or blatantly poor officiating...many people want to switch the topic to wins and losses. "Well, we just need to beat him on the field." "Well, that isn't why we lost the game."

IT'S ABOUT THE INTEGRITY OF THE GAME. It's about honesty, it's about character.

Damn it Leo, I ain't afraid to use the's about ethics.
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I think a lot of Penn State fans would care if Franklin was blatantly disregarding rules.

So you determine what rules are "no big deal" and what rules matter?

A head coach of a major football program is supposed to be a leader of men. What is the lesson here? Don't follow rules you've agreed to follow as part of your job if you can get away with it and the consequences aren't a big deal. Great message. Sure you'd teach the same thing to your kids.


Franklin can follow every rule around and graduate 100% of his players. He's paid 4.5 million to win games in todays world, but we can pretend it's not a business on this site if people are afraid to hear it. Again...JH is an a-hole, but signing pics and posing for pics is the least of my concerns. If the NCAA actually enforced the rules or stopped the cheating once, I might raise an eyebrow to this. Bringing kids up on a college message board is pretty lame, don't bother me with that crap. My kids are fine, thanks.
Franklin can follow every rule around and graduate 100% of his players. He's paid 4.5 million to win games in todays world, but we can pretend it's not a business on this site if people are afraid to hear it. Again...JH is an a-hole, but signing pics and posing for pics is the least of my concerns. If the NCAA actually enforced the rules or stopped the cheating once, I might raise an eyebrow to this. Bringing kids up on a college message board is pretty lame, don't bother me with that crap. My kids are fine, thanks.

Franklin and his salary have zip to do with this topic.
Franklin and his salary have zip to do with this topic.

You're talking to a zero-principle scUM-bag lawyer willing to shamelessly spin anything to whatever suits his needs and agenda. Of course "integrity" has zippity-doo-dah-da-day with this guy's constant topic-shifting strawmen arguments. Why did scUM agree to sign up and abide rules enacted to insure a "level playing field" and "fair-play" for all FBS Member Programs and agree to police and make sure their HC & Staff understood these rules and abided by them (especially in regards to recruiting, impermissible benefits, contact, etc....), if they never intended abide them and the truly "righteous thing to do" is violate them? Yep, Har-puke is just being a fine role-model and mentor to his players - it isn't about Har-puke's own self-interest and attempting to get an unfair edge - don't 'cha know?!?! Yea, 'ole Jimbo Har-puke is the hero of this story according to the scUM trolls....LMFAO. :rolleyes: Glad I don't have to deal with these douche's children.......
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If this was IU or Purdue, this crying foul wouldn't exist here IMO. I get some here have UM issues, but I don't. We'll be competing with them soon enough and this won't matter to me.

Keep shifting that topic, eeeerrrrr I mean target.....I'm sure one of your strawmen will eventually stick. What a laughable joke you are.

You're talking to a zero-principle scUM-bag lawyer willing to shamelessly spin anything to whatever suits his needs and agenda. Of course "integrity" has zippity-doo-dah-da-day with this guy's constant topic-shifting strawmen arguments. Why did scUM agree to sign up and abide rules enacted to insure a "level playing field" and "fair-play" for all FBS Member Programs and agree to police and make sure their HC & Staff understood these rules and abided by them (especially in regards to recruiting, impermissible benefits, contact, etc....), if they never intended abide them and the truly "righteous thing to do" is violate them? Yep, Har-puke is just being a fine role-model and mentor to his players - it isn't about Har-puke's own self-interest and attempting to get an unfair edge - don't 'cha know?!?! Yea, 'ole Jimbo Har-puke is the hero of this story according to the scUM trolls....LMFAO. :rolleyes: Glad I don't have to deal with these douche's children.......

Not a lawyer. Not a UM fan. You are just a whiny biotch and I call you out on it. You embarrass me as a PSU fan.

Not a lawyer. Not a UM fan. You are just a whiny biotch and I call you out on it. You embarrass me as a PSU fan.

Another swing & a miss.....keep trying there fan boy even a blind squirrel gets lucky once in a while. One of your Strawmen is bound to stick instead of blow away in the wind.... LMFAO. You've got us all fooled Jethro.

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Einstein you're not Jethro - can you explain to me what Purdue or Indiana has to do with scUM's and Har-puke's extreme lack of integrity and honor?


I don't need to as you only cry about the teams that beat PSU and that has been your act for years. Careful now, don't explode like you tend to do and you'll have to sit in timeout again. Then you have to get a new handle, play nice for a while, and explode again. Go get Jimmy, you're on to something. I expect you alone can take him down hero.

I don't need to as you only cry about the teams that beat PSU and that has been your act for years. Careful now, don't explode like you tend to do and you'll have to sit in timeout again. Then you have to get a new handle, play nice for a while, and explode again. Go get Jimmy, you're on to something. I expect you alone can take him down hero.

Another swing and a miss - keep spinning Special K....

I find it more amazing that some PSU fans can't realize how stupid and antiquated the NCAA is. The NCAA can't govern the billion dollar a year BUSINESS anymore and I don't care at all if JH is posing for pics or signing his name. I care about PSU beating him on the field and that is about it. If he was out there handing out cash himself, it would be one thing. He is pushing the line and at this point there is nobody governing the sport to stop him. I get BODE is obsessed with being a victim of the BT and UM in particular, but quite a few of us are not obsessed with JH. I just want to see PSU beat them on the field which will come in the next year or two (this year will be tough).
The guy spent the night at a recruit's house. That's queer, I don't care who does it.
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Einstein you're not Jethro - can you explain to me what Purdue or Indiana has to do with scUM's and Har-puke's extreme lack of integrity and honor?

I get a great laugh every time I read your posts talking about integrity and honor. You of all people should never talk about someone else's integrity and honor. Reading half of the nonsense you post is proof you have pretty much zero INTEGRITY and HONOR. ROTFLMFAOAWADYA!!!!!!!
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That doesn't describe Art, among others.
Thank you. I long discovered that fArt wasn't a PSU fan, but also frequently rails on Rutgers. He's some goofball who knows NCAA rules and lives (I suspect) in New Jersey.

The planets are now properly aligned.
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Franklin can follow every rule around and graduate 100% of his players. He's paid 4.5 million to win games in todays world, but we can pretend it's not a business on this site if people are afraid to hear it. Again...JH is an a-hole, but signing pics and posing for pics is the least of my concerns. If the NCAA actually enforced the rules or stopped the cheating once, I might raise an eyebrow to this. Bringing kids up on a college message board is pretty lame, don't bother me with that crap. My kids are fine, thanks.
PSU isn't yet in a position (years removed from artificial sanctions) to not self-report even minor violations. We have a lot of enemies, including the NCAA, who would love nothing better than to put the screws to PSU. The NCAA is salivating over the opportunity to petulantly penalize PSu over the smallest of infractions as retribution for the Paternos calling them for what they are.

PSU needs to walk a tightrope until the Paterno suit gets guess, 5 more years.
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PSU isn't yet in a position (years removed from artificial sanctions) to self-report even minor violations. We have a lot of enemies, including the NCAA, who would love nothing better than to put the screws to PSU. The NCAA is salivating over the opportunity to petulantly penalize PSu over the smallest of infractions as retribution for the Paternos calling them for what they are.

PSU needs to walk a tightrope until the Paterno suit gets guess, 5 more years.
Not true. PSU reported 20 or so minor violations in 2012.
What separates us? The fact we both self report secondary violations?
One institution is "pushing and exceeding the edge of the envelope" , while the other is still so flustered they're trying to determine if an envelope is "even appropriate".

Since you're a Michigan Man, I've gone to extra effort to include a hyperlink so the you can "click" and "self-educate" about the whole envelope thing. the envelope
Which levels would those be? You know I hit a pesky nerve and I prevailed in doing so.
Even funnier. Claiming internet victory? Awesome. I promise there is nothing you can write about UM that bothers me. I'm here for the entertainment you all provide.
Thank you. I long discovered that fArt wasn't a PSU fan, but also frequently rails on Rutgers. He's some goofball who knows NCAA rules and lives (I suspect) in New Jersey.

The planets are now properly aligned.

Peetz After Birth with an attempt at clever. A wee bit of reading comprehension might have helped you avoid looking dumber than usual.
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Peetz After Birth with an attempt at clever. A wee bit of reading comprehension might have helped you avoid looking dumber than usual.
I noticed you haven't bothered to respond to my other, more important I'll just take that as affirmation of my, and this board's, suspicions.

Carry on ....with your charade.
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I noticed you haven't bothered to respond to my other, more important I'll just take that as affirmation of my, and this board's, suspicions.

Carry on ....with your charade.

Nobody, except maybe your mother part-time, gives a shit about what you say or think. Now go back to rimming Peetz.
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