The Beast desperately wants to be the First Female POTUS. her rightful place in history. But she also knows she cannot run in the primaries and win. She has too many negatives and her health would never allow such a grueling run. To that end she is playing the primary process to the max. She is hoping that no one has enough votes to win the nomination come D convention time.
She sees Biden fading rapidly. Bernie will be seriously hurt by his MI. Pocho-haunt-us is so far left that the big money will back anyone but her. I have even told people to watch for a dark horse candidate to suddenly start getting a lot of campaign money. She will do whatever she can to ensure a brokered convention.
Come convention time, if no one has a majority of votes, then there will be several ballots to determine the nominee. That means back room deals, promises, blackmail, and more. She is hoping that her machine and loyal followers will get her the nomination as the savior of the party..
Now she makes this bizarre attack against Tulsie knowing full well that T was just about out of the race and had no chance of running as a third party candidate. But the Beast has given T the gift of a bright spotlight. T is all over the media, getting more attention ow then she ever did. Soon money will come pouring into her campaign. This will keep T in the race at least until the first couple primaries, taking valuable votes away from the Big Three Frontrunners.
Will it work? I seriously doubt it but this is the best and final shot for the Hildebeast to assume her righteous position as the First Female POTUS!
She sees Biden fading rapidly. Bernie will be seriously hurt by his MI. Pocho-haunt-us is so far left that the big money will back anyone but her. I have even told people to watch for a dark horse candidate to suddenly start getting a lot of campaign money. She will do whatever she can to ensure a brokered convention.
Come convention time, if no one has a majority of votes, then there will be several ballots to determine the nominee. That means back room deals, promises, blackmail, and more. She is hoping that her machine and loyal followers will get her the nomination as the savior of the party..
Now she makes this bizarre attack against Tulsie knowing full well that T was just about out of the race and had no chance of running as a third party candidate. But the Beast has given T the gift of a bright spotlight. T is all over the media, getting more attention ow then she ever did. Soon money will come pouring into her campaign. This will keep T in the race at least until the first couple primaries, taking valuable votes away from the Big Three Frontrunners.
Will it work? I seriously doubt it but this is the best and final shot for the Hildebeast to assume her righteous position as the First Female POTUS!