Hired! Done deal

George Daniels is a local who is one of the hottest younger flyfishers in the country. He is an excellent speaker and instructor and his book "Dynamic Nymphing" is very popular. He's a great addition to FlyFishU
You know the Buckeyes tried to claim that title, but the Olentangy is holding them back. They need better facilities
As not to offend anyone this is pure chocolate.
George Daniels is a local who is one of the hottest younger flyfishers in the country. He is an excellent speaker and instructor and his book "Dynamic Nymphing" is very popular. He's a great addition to FlyFishU

Dynamic Nymphing... could be a porno too!
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Yes Joe is still around. I think that's he's about 88. I met him at a Fly Fishing Show a few years ago. What a down to earth great guy.
George Daniels is a local who is one of the hottest younger flyfishers in the country. He is an excellent speaker and instructor and his book "Dynamic Nymphing" is very popular. He's a great addition to FlyFishU
I was getting looks doing a lot of this stuff over 20 years ago. That is when people were around me. I tend to seek out isolation when I’m seriously FFing. My DC buddies know all about “Mike’s emerger action.” Now if his last name ended in “s” this would be a weirder story.