I don't buy expensive coffees. Can't stand the oily Starbucks swill at all. I like my coffee on the darker edge of medium roast. 8 o'clock, Folgers, etc are the usual suspects flowing through my automatic drip coffee maker.
Recently I noticed a new Folger's brand coffee that was marked down as a 'promotional' item. The 1850 line of 'upscale' coffees from Folgers. I'm really enjoying the Pioneer Blend.
Any others I should check out?
(EDIT: After re-reading my post, I see it came across as condescending. That was not my intent. I rip on my dad and in-laws all the time when they are over because they bring their own 8 o'clock coffee because we'll do a French Roast or something they hate. My chastising you was in the spirit I banter with my family).
Not for nothing, but the fact that you call Starbucks "swill" and admit to drinking 8 o'clock and Folgers tells me everything I need to know about your ability to be a connoisseur of fine coffees. Lol.
You think you like coffee, but you really don't. Furthermore, please tell me you don't put cream and sugar in your coffee. On second thought, if you are drinking Folgers and 8pm, you better load it up with a crap ton of cream and sugar.
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