While they are all less culpable than Urban Meyer, it appears as if there is sufficient evidence that all of them were fully aware of the wife beater that the entire program protected for several years. I'm personally wondering why only Meyer is on paid leave.
Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.
No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?
Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.
No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?