How many of you are confused as to why the other Ohio St coaches weren't put on paid leave?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2018
While they are all less culpable than Urban Meyer, it appears as if there is sufficient evidence that all of them were fully aware of the wife beater that the entire program protected for several years. I'm personally wondering why only Meyer is on paid leave.

Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.

No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?
While they are all less culpable than Urban Meyer, it appears as if there is sufficient evidence that all of them were fully aware of the wife beater that the entire program protected for several years. I'm personally wondering why only Meyer is on paid leave.

Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.

No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?

It's a good question. I think the key is tied to what they knew for sure, and what they were told. If law enforcement was at all involved and cleared Smith, it's hard to hold coaches to a higher standard if all they know is what someone is telling them. If they weren't involved and only heard things, again, murky. If they saw pictures of Smith battered and bruised and knew it was because of her husband, and no one said anything to anyone, they should be booted in the ass.
Seriously, it is FOOTBALL. :eek: . No coaches means no FOOTBALL. :eek: . Not that he will be fired, but Tosu can play FOOTBALL. :eek: without urban. They can't play FOOTBALL. :eek: without a coaching staff, and you aren't bringing in a new, cohesive coaching staff in August.
So to be clear, the decisions have only to do with football and nothing at all to do with right and wrong? I don't know. It is as if they knew they were doing something wrong letting the rest of the coaches that all also knew continue to coach because they put the only newer guy who was clearly less qualified be in charge. It is as if they are hedging against being forced to do the right thing and will continue to let those who covered for a known wife abuser to get a total free pass unless someone actually calls them on it.
While they are all less culpable than Urban Meyer, it appears as if there is sufficient evidence that all of them were fully aware of the wife beater that the entire program protected for several years. I'm personally wondering why only Meyer is on paid leave.

Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.

No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?

Have you given stamp collecting a chance??
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Seriously, it is FOOTBALL. :eek: . No coaches means no FOOTBALL. :eek: . Not that he will be fired, but Tosu can play FOOTBALL. :eek: without urban. They can't play FOOTBALL. :eek: without a coaching staff, and you aren't bringing in a new, cohesive coaching staff in August.
What’s all this about football?

My money is on this being LJ Sr's last season either way. This is probably becoming a little too much for him.
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That’s why they names the only untainted assistant as interim head coach. Great point by the OP. They all knew.
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My money is on this being LJ Sr's last season either way. This is probably becoming a little too much for him.
Maybe his last season there, but he's going to keep drawing a paycheck for as long as possible from somewhere.
By my count seven of the ten weren't there in 2015 and two started that season. I think you should find another tail to chase.
How long does one need to be working intimately, in a group of 10 employees at that level, every day, with someone whose wife is sending messages to the other wives of this group of 10 before the new guy knows about something this damaging? It is highly probable that all 10 coaches, even the guy who was only there this past year, knew and refused to help the battered woman. But if Ohio St is only interested in plausible deniability, perhaps your argument is helpful for them. Most people would believe that even one year as part of 10 coaches whose other wives all knew would be plenty to learn about spouse abuse open secret.
How long does one need to be working intimately, in a group of 10 employees at that level, every day, with someone whose wife is sending messages to the other wives of this group of 10 before the new guy knows about something this damaging? It is highly probable that all 10 coaches, even the guy who was only there this past year, knew and refused to help the battered woman. But if Ohio St is only interested in plausible deniability, perhaps your argument is helpful for them. Most people would believe that even one year as part of 10 coaches whose other wives all knew would be plenty to learn about spouse abuse open secret.

So Courtney Smith is sending text messages to people she may have known for less than a year about an incident that occurred three years ago? McMurphy didn't produce even indirect evidence that new ACs were aware.

I'll wait for the results of OSU's investigation.
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So Courtney Smith is sending text messages to people she may have known for less than a year about an incident that occurred three years ago? McMurphy didn't produce even indirect evidence that new ACs were aware.

I'll wait for the results of OSU's investigation.
You're right, I guess the wives won't ever talk about it. It's not like they are brought together all the time for games, functions, etc. It would need to come directly from Courtney for knowledge of the incidents to be shared. It isn't as if Courtney hasn't already said that all the wives knew but that would just be battered woman speak if she did.
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You're right, I guess the wives won't ever talk about it. It's not like they are brought together all the time for games, functions, etc. It would need to come directly from Courtney for knowledge of the incidents to be shared. It isn't as if Courtney hasn't already said that all the wives knew but that would just be battered woman speak if she did.

Courtney Smith filed for divorce in 11/2015 so I doubt she was included in any of the team social functions after that. Yes, the wives of longer tenured coaches may have gossiped with the wives of newer coaches and it may have filtered to some of the newer coaches. That's a pretty flimsy basis for making a report of abuse. But you keep reaching for straws and eventually you just might find one that holds up for more than three seconds.
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Why would Urban even bring this ticking time bomb onto his staff at OSU? If it's really because of football/culture/Bruce, then OSU is the Baylor of the North.
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So Courtney Smith is sending text messages to people she may have known for less than a year about an incident that occurred three years ago? McMurphy didn't produce even indirect evidence that new ACs were aware.

I'll wait for the results of OSU's investigation.

We should wait for the investigation. But if this group of women is like any other group of women in similar circumstances, i.e., husbands working closely together in a high profile position, IMHO it's highly likely that they were almost immediately brought up to speed with what was going on with the Smiths.
While they are all less culpable than Urban Meyer, it appears as if there is sufficient evidence that all of them were fully aware of the wife beater that the entire program protected for several years. I'm personally wondering why only Meyer is on paid leave.

Perhaps the new guy who despite his much lesser experience was put in charge of the program over former head coaches and other superiors might not have known (though this is unlikely after a year on the same staff). This had to have been done with the thought that Ohio St thought perhaps they would have to suspend these other more qualified coaches as well. But they never were even put on leave.

No one seems to be asking why it is OK that the others were permitted to ignore their responsibilities as human beings and leaders of young men.Seems that guys like Schiano, Johnson, Kevin Wilson all have previous baggage, covered for a known spouse abuser for several years, and are free to coach as if nothing has happened. Am I missing something?
We should wait for the investigation. But if this group of women is like any other group of women in similar circumstances, i.e., husbands working closely together in a high profile position, IMHO it's highly likely that they were almost immediately brought up to speed with what was going on with the Smiths.

For some reason, I just remembered this exchange in The Firm:

Employee's wife: "The firm encourages children."

Mitch's wife: "How do they do that exactly?"
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You know how all this is going to end.

They'll find that Meyer reported things per university and NCAA protocol. They'll find that once he did that, it was not his responsibility to do anything else.
Courtney Smith filed for divorce in 11/2015 so I doubt she was included in any of the team social functions after that. Yes, the wives of longer tenured coaches may have gossiped with the wives of newer coaches and it may have filtered to some of the newer coaches. That's a pretty flimsy basis for making a report of abuse. But you keep reaching for straws and eventually you just might find one that holds up for more than three seconds.
The truth often lies somewhere inbetween points of view. I agree that her not being at functions beyond this date would limit the interactions but certainly she believed that all the wives knew and it is highly likely that the wives all discussed this with other wives and their husbands at the functions at times.

I still contend that it is a very high probability that all of the coaches knew and none of them said anything. Like I said in the OP, they are less culpable than Meyer but they all knew. So maybe not enough hard evidence to submit a formal report or overstep Meyer to do so, but they all were OK with working day in and day out with someone they knew to have multiple occasions of physical abuse to their former wife.

I think that says something about their lack of character and likely speaks volumes to any parents of recruits every time they talk to them. Unfortunatley for the other coaches (many who have been involved in other scandals), knowing about evil and saying nothing because it isn't your responsibility or place to do so further erodes their credibility not only as a coach and representative of Ohio St but also as a human being. How many scandals can an assistant coach be tangentially involved before they are just damaged goods?
Why would Urban even bring this ticking time bomb onto his staff at OSU? If it's really because of football/culture/Bruce, then OSU is the Baylor of the North.
Your right, that is a question that needs to be asked along with why did you keep him on staff when there were more accusations? He knew 2009 was abuse.

It's like with Sandusky, why was he kept on staff after the 98 incident? Like Zach Smith, no charges were filed for whatever reason, but why take the chance? Sandusky in 98 at best was just weird and creepy and something not to be associated with, 2015 for Zach Smith, too much smoke to ignore. In both cases, cut your losses and move on, dress it up any way you want.
You know how all this is going to end.

They'll find that Meyer reported things per university and NCAA protocol. They'll find that once he did that, it was not his responsibility to do anything else.

I agree. But they will have to produce the artifacts to prove that, assuming the press does what they should. There is also the matter of UF in 2009 and the people going to her to talk her out of reporting it. She'll also be filing some law suits which will probably be settled with some cash without any of us ever hearing about it. That was, to me, her lawyer's subtle message: "you want to make this go away? you know where to find me. And, I am playing nice, but I don't have to and won't."
You know how all this is going to end.

They'll find that Meyer reported things per university and NCAA protocol. They'll find that once he did that, it was not his responsibility to do anything else.

There is this one little thing about being a proven liar in front of the national news media. When you are the highest paid public employee in the state I don't know how you survive doing that. Even in Ohio.
Some people in Cincinnati are jumping on Urban Meyer. Don't think they have thought much about UC's current coach, Luke Fickel, who was defensive coordinator at OSU for much of the time in question.
The real answer is, who would run the program/fall camp if they did this? They wouldn't have a fall camp.
There is this one little thing about being a proven liar in front of the national news media. When you are the highest paid public employee in the state I don't know how you survive doing that. Even in Ohio.

We see this every day from every high profile politician that has had a press conference for the last 50 years.
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We should wait for the investigation. But if this group of women is like any other group of women in similar circumstances, i.e., husbands working closely together in a high profile position, IMHO it's highly likely that they were almost immediately brought up to speed with what was going on with the Smiths.

Don't know about you, but I don't fire someone on the basis of "highly likely."
Some people in Cincinnati are jumping on Urban Meyer. Don't think they have thought much about UC's current coach, Luke Fickel, who was defensive coordinator at OSU for much of the time in question.

Not sure how involved the defensive coordinator should/would be in the disciplining of a WR coach. If he was the OC you'd have more of a point. Regardless, based on the language of Urban's contract they absolutely have grounds to fire him for violation of the terms of the agreement if they want, and had grounds to fire Zach in 2015.