HUMANITY IS DOOMED............anyone that thinks otherwise, needs a psych eval

So, now, a HUMAN error has contaminated the Animas River in Colorado. Only a revolution by the young will save this planet.
For someone who self-claims to be cerebral, you seem to lack perspective as to WHY human error was involved. You do realize that the Humans who are fully responsible for this environmental fiasco were working for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Human error is frequently associated with mentally-limited individuals who place themselves or are placed by their equally challenged superiors, into situations that far exceed their individual or collective cognitive capabilities.

What we are witnessing is the consequence of government employees who thought they were smarter than they actually are. The mines have been fine for almost 100 years, but some federal government pinhead employees felt the need to "tamper".
You know, a few weeks back, I posted about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. I reminded people about TMI and Chernobyl.

Some brainiacs on this board pointed out how screwed up the Russians are so that was NO SURPRISE and if "they" only placed the back-up generators on the roofs at Fukushima...crisis averted. Yeah, right! So, we have PhD DESIGNERS of the plant that NEVER thought about doing that in an area RICH IN SEISMIC ACTIVITY; we had Masters educated BUILDERS of the plant that NEVER thought about doing it; and, on top of all that, we had EMPLOYEES that never stopped and asked what would happen if a tsunami BREACHED the wall. This, btw, by physicists and engineers - in Japan, no less. Most of which have masters or PhDs.

So, now, a HUMAN error has contaminated the Animas River in Colorado. Only a revolution by the young will save this planet.

Russia/Japan also refused to implement safety features that are mandatory in the US. With great power comes great responsibility.The plants can't be designed for every possible nightmare scenario. Fukushima was hit with TWO beyond design basis events in the same day, and it held up pretty damn well. As you ignored in the other post, Nuclear is still safer than any other form of electricity generation. Obviously you want to use electricity, so stop complaining. Or if you really want to make a difference, walk the talk, give up electricity. Or at least pretend you are going to and stop posting on here.
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You know, a few weeks back, I posted about the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. I reminded people about TMI and Chernobyl.

Some brainiacs on this board pointed out how screwed up the Russians are so that was NO SURPRISE and if "they" only placed the back-up generators on the roofs at Fukushima...crisis averted. Yeah, right! So, we have PhD DESIGNERS of the plant that NEVER thought about doing that in an area RICH IN SEISMIC ACTIVITY; we had Masters educated BUILDERS of the plant that NEVER thought about doing it; and, on top of all that, we had EMPLOYEES that never stopped and asked what would happen if a tsunami BREACHED the wall. This, btw, by physicists and engineers - in Japan, no less. Most of which have masters or PhDs.

So, now, a HUMAN error has contaminated the Animas River in Colorado. Only a revolution by the young will save this planet.
Michael, sending positive mind-images and hope your way. A utopian future awaits. I take it you've been to Rome? Tellus - Mother Earth on the Ara Pacis. Stay pos.

Michael, do you take us for idiots? Anyone who reads a newspaper is going to be aware of the problems we're facing. The drought in the American West, it's gonna get real, real bad, for example. But we all know this, really, Sagan's been dead for going on nineteen years. I think that we all realize that most of the problems we have are going to stick around for a while and get worse along the way. Don't make posts which imply we each of us fell off the turnip truck just yesterday. You are just as smart as any of us and just as stupid, no more and no less.

And, I apologize for getting personal here, but from your posts, what you write and what you respond to, I'm getting the vibe that there is a real lack of joy in your life. It seems as if you don't appreciate anything. Your posts, by and large, are real downers and this, combined with your very obnoxious know-it-all attitude, leads to responses from the board which show at the very least a lot of frustration. You used to be a really big, positive part of this board and now you're just a drag. I know I'm not the first to say this.

Well, allow me to retort:

1) Only a revolution will save humanity. But, not just any revolution, but one of the mind. It is the ONLY way.

2) Pardon me if my realism gets in the way of your make believe.

After the VT massacre, President Bush prayed to your "Loving God". Here's a prayer from James Randi, in response to President Bush's prayer:

To God the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, God of Abraham, Jehovah, whoever or whatever:

God, You in Your omniscience – You know everything, past present and future – and also in Your omnipotence – You can do anything You want to do – why, 23 years ago, did You create this deluded man Seung-Hui Cho, then allow him to buy the guns, go to the Virginia Tech campus, and slaughter all those students and faculty? That took long-term planning, determined intention, and careful nurturing of Cho’s delusions and hatred, by You. God, what’s “loving” about that? Our President may labor under the delusion that such an act somehow shows Your “loving” nature, but in my admitted ignorance, I cannot see that. Help me to understand.

Or was this – forgive my suggestion, God – yet another failure of Your Intelligent Design, along with tobacco, cancer, spina bifida, and Crohn’s Disease?

A better plan, God – in my humble opinion – would have been to prevent that horrendous, senseless, slaughter, and then You would have had no reason to have to “comfort” those parents, friends, fellow-students and so many others who will now have to do without the delight of knowing these beautiful people. You see, God, You could have saved the lives – and futures – not only of those 32, but of Mr. Cho, as well! This deranged young man, angry and desperate, reacted to a society he felt was opposing him. He murdered 32 persons because he felt he had to, in answer to impulses he could not control. But You, Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, etc., etc., could have intervened – “omnipotent,” remember? – and there would be far less sorrow in our nation today.

Why did You do this to us? The figures show us that most of us believe in You, believe in Your loving nature, and appeal to You for Your comfort even after You have decided to allow tragedies such as this to happen; doesn’t that count? Personally, I don’t believe in You, but don’t the numbers count?

God, I’m sure that Dr. Richard Roberts, president of Oral Roberts University, speaks for You when he says, “…there’s no doubt that this act was Satanic in origin." He calls Cho's recently-revealed writings, “just words,” which he says are “one of Satan’s tools to bring about Man’s destruction.” Now, this fits the Christian idea of demonic possession, which says that human existence is predicated on the narrative of Man’s Fall from Grace in the Garden of Eden, and that wherever there is good, Satan is trying to destroy it.

Please, God, try to get Your act together, or there may be fewer people out there willing to appease a jealous, callous, vindictive, cruel, obviously insecure deity such as Yourself. And what would You do then?

God only knows…