I may have already shared these sentiments....


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2014
on this Board., but after having some time to carefully re-read and consider the entirety of the statements from the elected Trustees (sans Adam T) - available at this link:

I feel the need to emphatically state "AMEN!". This is exactly the type of stand that needs to be taken by the accountable minority of the BOT.

I will admit - readily - that I have been waiting (at times impatiently) for more of this type of action. When reading these statements, I can't help but to think I am hearing a nearly verbatim echo of my comments to the BOT from 1/16/15. I endeavored to make those comments (in the brief 180 seconds allowed by the BOT cabal) largely because no one else seemed willing to do it.

The elected Trustees have a much more expansive bully pulpit than any of us "individuals" on the outside.

BRAVO! to the elected trustees....and Thank You.


Regardless of whether or not ongoing court actions lead to the disclosure of actual culpability on the part of the University....or illumination that "others" should own that culpability....until such day as that culpability is clear, our University should NEVER have been used as the giant ATM for the likes of Matt Sandusky.

Never before, at least not in my memory, has any institutional governance board failed so completely and so consistently to uphold their fiduciary duties.
Sadly, this is the position the majority should have taken ...

... on day one. Instead, they took what appears to be self serving actions. By doing so, PSU and Joe's legacy will be burdened by paler of guilt regardless of events in the courts.

I remain furious at the BOT of 2011.
"I remain furious at the BOT of 2011"...and you should

You should (we ALL should) also keep in mind that MOST of that cabal is no longer on the Board......

Corbett, Broadhurst, Hayes, Peetz, Surma, Tomalis, Suhey, Arnelle, DeVinney etc

And yet - and this is the important part - THE BOARD CONTINUES TO ACT WITH THE EXACT SAME LEVEL OF IMCOMPETENCE/EVIL that they did in November of 2011.

The problem is SYSTEMIC...and until we have true reform (from the legislature) nothing will change. The unaccountable scumbags of 2011, have been replaced......with new unaccountable pirates!

Dandrea, Benson, Casey, Rucci, Barron......etc

Until there is reform, the only thing that will change is the nameplates in front of the suits.
This post was edited on 4/10 10:28 AM by bjf1984