Can some of you people, please get over the PETTY CRAP, you have with Parsons, who is a teenager if you forgot. Please stop bashing one of our best recruits ever.
He is one of the top players in the nation, and knows it. So, he goes on twitter and has some fun with it. You people that bash him, remind me of these old school Hall of Fame voters, like Bill Polian, that said he refuses to ever give a vote to Terrell Owens or Randy Moss for the HOF.
If I remember correctly Parsons, in the past said something along the lines that he is a solid commit to Penn State, but there is a small chance he may look elsewhere. And now he is doing what he said he would and some of you have a problem with it? You should at least appreciate the fact that he is not being a snake like Dylan Rivers who swore everything was great with PSU and himself, until the last minute.
I just read that Parsons is trying to make plans to go to FSUs Spring Game. Do i like that, hell no. But I'm certainly not going to start campaigning for him to just take a hike already.
What Parsons is doing is not that complicated to try an understand. Now I could be wrong, but IMO Parsons is being smart, and looking at all these other schools, maybe in case PSU falters a bit this year. Parsons dad last year said, his son wants to make sure PSU is back to being a top team. He also said after the Pitt game, that it was not a good impression. Obviously PSU went on to make up for it. But what if we falter and have like an 8-4 season, while an FSU, USC, or OSU have there usual big year. I know no one likes hearing what I'm saying in this paragraph, but I'm just giving an honest opinion. PSU has 3 games that could easily go either way in Michigan, OSU, and the Bowl Opponent. I honestly think this is going to be a huge year for PSU though. And there best year since 2005.
He is one of the top players in the nation, and knows it. So, he goes on twitter and has some fun with it. You people that bash him, remind me of these old school Hall of Fame voters, like Bill Polian, that said he refuses to ever give a vote to Terrell Owens or Randy Moss for the HOF.
If I remember correctly Parsons, in the past said something along the lines that he is a solid commit to Penn State, but there is a small chance he may look elsewhere. And now he is doing what he said he would and some of you have a problem with it? You should at least appreciate the fact that he is not being a snake like Dylan Rivers who swore everything was great with PSU and himself, until the last minute.
I just read that Parsons is trying to make plans to go to FSUs Spring Game. Do i like that, hell no. But I'm certainly not going to start campaigning for him to just take a hike already.
What Parsons is doing is not that complicated to try an understand. Now I could be wrong, but IMO Parsons is being smart, and looking at all these other schools, maybe in case PSU falters a bit this year. Parsons dad last year said, his son wants to make sure PSU is back to being a top team. He also said after the Pitt game, that it was not a good impression. Obviously PSU went on to make up for it. But what if we falter and have like an 8-4 season, while an FSU, USC, or OSU have there usual big year. I know no one likes hearing what I'm saying in this paragraph, but I'm just giving an honest opinion. PSU has 3 games that could easily go either way in Michigan, OSU, and the Bowl Opponent. I honestly think this is going to be a huge year for PSU though. And there best year since 2005.
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