If ANYONE votes to re-elect McCombie next year.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
They need to have their head examined.

I will ALWAYS consider the ELECTED Trustees in a little diffferent light than the unelected Scoundrels - - - simply because we DO have the right to "un-elect" them (even if we've done a shitty job of it for 5 years)
But with his comments today (on top of his "work" of the last several years) he has firmly established himself - personally - as one of the worst, maybe the worst, of the entire bunch.

And, oh, BTW:

F*** Him!!!!
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His comments today?

Not saying I disagree with your general sentiment. After all, pretty sure McCombie's the one who incredibly nominated Bruce Heim as honorary captain for PSU vs Army.
They need to have their head examined.

I will ALWAYS consider the ELECTED Trustees in a little diffferent light than the unelected Scoundrels - - - simply because we DO have the right to "un-elect" them (even if we've done a shitty job of it for 5 years)
But with his comments today (on top of his "work" of the last several years) he has firmly established himself - personally - as one of the worst, maybe the worst, of the entire bunch.

And, oh, BTW:

F*** Him!!!!
I agree Barry. Ryan hasn't done a whole hell of a lot to distinguish himself. He seems like a centrist which NOT what we need
I agree Barry. Ryan hasn't done a whole hell of a lot to distinguish himself. He seems like a centrist which NOT what we need
He's in as tight with the Scoundrels as a Georgia Tick on a Hounddog (to borrow a phrase from another ex-Seal Team member)


Here is what we heard when we were asked for our votes:
"The Penn State Board is run like a Third World Junta"

Here is what we heard once elected:
"Thank you Chairman Masser for your exemplary leadership"
And "Ira Lubert is the right man for the job"

Here is what we heard when we were asked for our votes:
"The Administration of the University should be open, transparent and public."

Hear is what we heard once elected:
"I am ashamed of the Penn Staters voicing their concerns to the Board"

Here is what we heard when we were asked for our votes:
"We need leaders who will hold managers accountable for their actions"

Here is what we heard once elected:
"Bruce Heim is a man if integrity, and I am ashamed that Penn Staters would act so unfairly towards him"

Other than that - in 5 years on the Board - the next time we hear a righteous stand for any issue of UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE - not just the low-hanging fruit of "attacking" the NCAA - will be the first time.

And - just to add one more level to the "SMFH" nature of this action:

RMcC is the "elected 9" representative on the "OUTREACH" committee.
When was the first time ANYONE ever heard anything from RMcC wrt enhancing "outreach" with Us?
Stuff like - gee, whiz - enhancing (rather than restricting) communications between "Us" and the Board?

[Yes, that is a trick question. The answer is NEVER]
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They need to have their head examined.

I will ALWAYS consider the ELECTED Trustees in a little diffferent light than the unelected Scoundrels - - - simply because we DO have the right to "un-elect" them (even if we've done a shitty job of it for 5 years)
But with his comments today (on top of his "work" of the last several years) he has firmly established himself - personally - as one of the worst, maybe the worst, of the entire bunch.

And, oh, BTW:

F*** Him!!!!

I'm pretty sure he's not running again.
I'm pretty sure he's not running again.

That is news to me (though I would welcome the thought)

Is this reliable - - - - or just a "hunch"

I appreciate any insight you may have..... could be important

(814) 470-0524 if it is something that needs to be on the "down low"

FWIW - I had heard similar wrt Jubelirer for this year..... but that wasted seat didn't step aside :(