If I had Season Tickets...


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2017
Butler County
The Pittsburgh Penguins since 2007 have had players deliver some season tickets. If you had season tickets to Penn State wrestling, (pick one each) what former PSU wrestler and currently rostered * wrestler would you hope to show up at your front door? Only one wrestler per category!

* you know what I mean!

PS. I've been a member of this group since the internet was invented and this is this first and probably the only discussion I will initiate.
The Pittsburgh Penguins since 2007 have had players deliver some season tickets. If you had season tickets to Penn State wrestling, (pick one each) what former PSU wrestler and currently rostered * wrestler would you hope to show up at your front door? Only one wrestler per category!

* you know what I mean!

PS. I've been a member of this group since the internet was invented and this is this first and probably the only discussion I will initiate.
I have a PSU college buddy that I went to 2018, 2019 NCAA’s and 2023 Big Ten’s with who lives in Cranberry Township. His daughter has Penguin’s season tickets. Sidney Crosby delivered her’s this year!

I didn’t know any teams did that kind of thing. His grandkids will never forget that day!

My pick would be Levi. We could compare hunting tales!
If Zain handed me the tickets, clapped once and screamed "LET'S GOOOOO!!" at the top of his lungs, I'd probably be in the car before his next inhale. Equal parts excitement and fear.
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Tough question!

Former: Scott Stossel. His is a story that needs to be told. Walk-on from the campus club team ends career with a dub in a B1G dual meet. I’d like to hear about it first hand.

If Scott isn’t available, then Nick Lee.

Current: Beau. Dude seems to have the greatest attitude of anyone I’ve ever seen.
The Pittsburgh Penguins since 2007 have had players deliver some season tickets. If you had season tickets to Penn State wrestling, (pick one each) what former PSU wrestler and currently rostered * wrestler would you hope to show up at your front door? Only one wrestler per category!

* you know what I mean!

PS. I've been a member of this group since the internet was invented and this is this first and probably the only discussion I will initiate.
James Vollrath