If There Was a Cheaters Hall of Fame (Or Shame) for Sports?

Michigan has to be on twice- not much compares to Fab Five cheating scandal and disgrace
Yet both are celebrated by the Maize and Blue. When Michigan was upset in the NCAA Finals by Carolina I was flying from Newark to Orlando for business.

The pilot kept giving score updates and when I deplaned I hustled to the nearest tv to see the infamous "Timeout."

Rarely in my life have I rooted for Carolina. They did have a kid- Pat Sullivan- who was from the town next to where I was living in North Jersey so that was part of it- but really it was just a dislike of the Fab Five.

When cheaters prosper then "Everybody" will indeed be against you. Anyone thinking that suspending Harbaugh for a few games leveled the playing field and legitimized the title is delusional.

Systemic cheating over time and outright disregard for the rules with no admission of guilt. Similar to both Slick Willy and Donnie T denying marital affairs- they said one thing but everyone- including themselves- knows they are lying.

Hail to to Valiant Victors indeed.....