I think Herm is going to surprise. Call me crazy.One of the dumbest coaching hires in quite some time.
Herm Edwards out west might rival him soon.
I guess my reasoning is that Lovie comes off as sort of lazy. Herm may go down, but it won't be from lack of effort.You’re crazy
Todd Graham (former short-time Pitt coach) went 31-23 in the Pac12 during his tenure at ASU. And he was no “star” in the college coaching world.
I’d be surprised if Herm wins nearly that many.
Kent was ranked 129th out of 130 teams.Not so fast my friend! Tied 24 all with 12 min. to go!
One of the dumbest coaching hires in quite some time.
Herm Edwards out west might rival him soon.
Kent lumped it up, Illy. You cannot choke like that especially if you have the talent that the Kent State Fighting National Guardsmen have.The demlion jinx job in mid-season form.....U of Illinois was on their way to a 6-8 TD blowout loss!