Great stuff, thanks. I recall noticing when Nolf stepped on Pagdilao's ankle, but hadn't realized that he then did it to the other ankle in the same sequence.
What the video really underscores is that Nolf has an off-the-charts sense of timing; he knows what his opponent is going to do almost before they do. And not just on leg-sweeps.
Which is why it was interesting the one moment that almost doomed his run was when he'd anticipated wrong against Hidlay, stepping in to shoot just as Hidlay was shooting himself. He'd practically handed Hidlay his entire right leg while off balance, and Hidlay nearly capitalized.
What I think the video also does a good job showing (even if the narrator isn't fully sure himself) is that Hidlay didn't score there and the refs were right to waive it off. Nolf's hips are clearly off the mat when Hidlay gets his arm on his back. A fraction of a second earlier and the original call sticks, I think.