Interdicting ...

Media Fan

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Jul 3, 2001
drugs, like the huge cache found on board a ship in Philadelphia harbor will do little good as long as we consume massive amounts of such things.
If you are not aware, 5 tons was seized, and the material was apparently put on board the vessel by another ship lightering the material at sea.
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drugs, like the huge cache found on board a ship in Philadelphia harbor will do little good as long as we consume massive amounts of such things.
If you are not aware, 5 tons was seized, and the material was apparently put on board the vessel by another ship lightering the material at sea.

Around 17 tons were seized, but thanks for the PSA.
So, a few thoughts on this

1. This cannot happen without someone at the port (or someones) knowing what's going coming in and going out.
2. The police acted on a tip - from who? Who would risk their well being to expose someone (or someones) bringing in THAT much blow?
3. Someone is going to pay for this screw up with their lives. $1Billion worth?
4. If they got tipped for this cache, then does it mean that the police were focused on this and avoiding the other avenues of delivery? Was this just a smoke and mirrors game to throw the police off the track of another shipment(s)?
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So, a few thoughts on this

1. This cannot happen without someone at the port (or someones) knowing what's going coming in and going out.
2. The police acted on a tip - from who? Who would risk their well being to expose someone (or someones) bringing in THAT much blow?
3. Someone is going to pay for this screw up with their lives. $1Billion worth?
4. If they got tipped for this cache, then does it mean that the police were focused on this and avoiding the other avenues of delivery? Was this just a smoke and mirrors game to throw the police off the track of another shipment(s)?

The 1bln number is just the value here.

Wherever it is from the value is way wayyyy lower. Like corn.

There is that scene in Tequila Sunrise where they joke about this... the street value number.

2. The police acted on a tip - from who? Who would risk their well being to expose someone (or someones) bringing in THAT much blow?

This incident, at least to me, reads like an attempt by some really dumb criminals. They were apparently loading packages by hand? I would not be surprised if somebody on the ship tipped off the authorities. Notice only a few crew members were arrested.

I work in the shipping industry. I always shake my head at the things that get held up for me when we're a known shipper obviously trying to do the right thing. We recently had a sea container held up for a month because somebody in Germany packed a first aid kit in a maintenance tool box. With all of the (apparent) security measures, it's really a shame the authorities would need to a tip to find this haul.