Interview with the upstanding Seth Williams.

The Caramel Panther

One of the silver linings out of this whole thing:

It MAY prevent his "enshrinement" onto the PSU BOT - which was all but a done deal before the recent troubles. (then again, it may not.....he would fit right in with those Scumbags, and it wouldn't be beyond them to give him his seat anyway)
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Somehow none of the geniuses in the Philly press pool have noticed that Seth was the prosecutor in the Monsignor Lynn case that just got overturned today.
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The Lynn news should break in a big way today, so let's see how the Philly media handles Seth on this one.
The irony in all this?

If Fina (cough, Corbett, cough) had just prosecuted Sandusky and left PSU alone, #hategate and #porngate never happens. The emails never get recovered, state prosecutors & the AG's office get election points, no political turmoil over judges, no "blood feud".....and even better ---> the public would be no wiser to the level of corruption and behavior of those in public office.

Everyone in public office wins!
Irony, indeed. By going after seemingly the only people in this mess that didn't commit a crime, Corbett and the BOT idiots have opened up a huge, huge can of worms.

I can't help but think that the Paterno suit, when it goes to trial, is going to publicly tie a lot of stuff together that is going to shine light into a lot of corners that haven't seen the light of day in decades. Some of these people affected by all of this are going to be quite angry at Mr. Corbett for letting this happen.
"If there's more information, if we have a better picture, more full and complete picture, than I might take other actions," Williams said.

There's a thought. :rolleyes:
Corbett gets an opening from Sandusky and goes after Spanier and PSU because of a political feud. Kane gets elected with a big boost from promising to go after Corbett Fina et al over the handling of Sandusky. Fina, Williams, et al go after Kane over bribegate, Kane goes after Fina and the judges over porngate, etc, etc.

There were several points along the way where, if either "side" would have backed off, the public would be unaware (or at least less aware) of how inept, corrupt and out of control our justice system in pa is, from top to bottom. But, it became personal and a game of political chicken and they all doubled down, even allegedly violating the law. So I guess we should be thankful that all of these skunks were incapable of not continuing to piss on each other, shedding more light on the system each time.

I am still pretty skeptical as to whether any of this will ultimately ever help PSU. But I can still hope....
The irony in all this?

If Fina (cough, Corbett, cough) had just prosecuted Sandusky and left PSU alone, #hategate and #porngate never happens. The emails never get recovered, state prosecutors & the AG's office get election points, no political turmoil over judges, no "blood feud".....and even better ---> the public would be no wiser to the level of corruption and behavior of those in public office.

Everyone in public office wins!

Just imagine the stuff which would not have happened had these people just done their jobs without Corbett trying to crush Spanier!

At one point, Fina figured it out and tried to stand up for Joe, but it was far too late by then. When it shakes all the way out, and Fina is being interviewed by the feds, he will have a moment in which he recalls telling Corbett not to do this, or even urges him not to do it. If he is lucky he will have an email memo. As Fina's assiduously-managed career changes from a smoky smolder to a white hot flame, consuming everything he is, I sure hope when he is passing blame he does not forget his old buddy Tommy.

It cost Fina his career. It cost Tommy HIS career. It elected Kathleen Kane, who has thus far gone off like an IED in the middle of the PA judiciary and prosecutorial/law enforcement function. Anyone who survives will carry the scars. Seth Williams is getting publicly spanked. If Ray Gricar were here he would have been destroyed. Peetz, Frazier, Surma, Garban, Erickson. A whole generation of PennStaters will never know whatever good they ever did (if they ever did any), because they are tarred with the brush.

Seth probably would have been okay, but he had to run for PSU BoT. And he had to hire Fina.

So perhaps, in the final analysis, it will seem to have been a mistake for these losers to F over a half million graduates of the biggest University in the State. Maybe dragging locally-influential people all over PA and the US away from their regular lives and tarring them with this brush, radicalizing them in an instant and driving them out of their regular lives and into the street, was a mistake.

Maybe F'ing our University's alums over by having every jackwagon loudmouth in the country call us pedophile enablers was a bad call. Ya think, Tommy?

Lots of bad things came out of the decision to demonize PSU. But our job is to make some good things come from it. We cannot change the narrative, maybe, but we can change the ultimate outcome.

I grew up in the rural part of PA a long time ago. Even then, PSU grads were on all the boards and in all the volunteer orgs in every jerkwater town in the state. I am guessing they did not appreciate what was done to them by these fancy corporate city boys and girls from Philly and Pittsburgh who ran the BoT, any more than they appreciated the Ag trustees joining in against them.
The irony in all this?

If Fina (cough, Corbett, cough) had just prosecuted Sandusky and left PSU alone, #hategate and #porngate never happens. The emails never get recovered, state prosecutors & the AG's office get election points, no political turmoil over judges, no "blood feud".....and even better ---> the public would be no wiser to the level of corruption and behavior of those in public office.

Everyone in public office wins!
Hey! There's a strong argument in favor of a cover up.

Let's everybody keep their mouths shut and pretend like Penn State isn't involved and we'll all be better off.

Unfortunately, since most of the victims alleged (and proved) sexual child abuse on Penn State premises and since high ranking administrators were aware of at least two of the incidents, continuing the cover up wasn't really a viable option.
"If there's more information, if we have a better picture, more full and complete picture, than I might take other actions," Williams said.

There's a thought. :rolleyes:

In other words...In hindsight, I wish I had done more.
The irony in all this?

If Fina (cough, Corbett, cough) had just prosecuted Sandusky and left PSU alone, #hategate and #porngate never happens. The emails never get recovered, state prosecutors & the AG's office get election points, no political turmoil over judges, no "blood feud".....and even better ---> the public would be no wiser to the level of corruption and behavior of those in public office.

Everyone in public office wins!

Out of all this of the bright spots:

If it were not for Penn Staters....the "real" Penn Staters" - we would still have Tommy Corbett in the Governors Mansion, we would still have an AG office composed of the Fina Boys and his ilk, running roughshod over the constitution and the citizenry of the Commonwealth, we would still have the undiscovered Scumbags on the bench.....etc etc.

Now, to what degree can we bring true accountability to those Bastards? To what degree can we root them out, and replace the sewer that they created with a structure that actually does some GOOD for all of us (including - remember them - the "kids"?).
Time will tell....but, for sure.....

THANK GOD....that We Are!
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They are having a tough couple of months, aren't they?:

A three-judge Superior Court panel found that Lynn's 2012 conviction had been tainted by prosecutors' presentation of nearly two dozen examples of the Philadelphia Archdiocese's failure to handle pedophilia within its ranks. Lynn, however, was only charged in connection with his supervision of two priests.

Such evidence, said Judge Emeritus John T. Bender, writing for the majority, was "unfairly prejudicial" and effectively turned Lynn into a scapegoat for the wider sins of the church. Some of those crimes predated by decades Lynn's tenure as the archdiocesan official in charge of handling sex-abuse complaints.

The court's decision again threw into doubt what District Attorney Seth Williams has touted as a historic prosecution, and raised questions about the 64-year-old cleric's future, two years into his three- to six-year sentence on child endangerment charges.
Hey! There's a strong argument in favor of a cover up.

Let's everybody keep their mouths shut and pretend like Penn State isn't involved and we'll all be better off.

Unfortunately, since most of the victims alleged (and proved) sexual child abuse on Penn State premises and since high ranking administrators were aware of at least two of the incidents, continuing the cover up wasn't really a viable option.

You mean the administrators that haven't been convicted of anything? The ones that nobody wants to bring to trial? Those guys?
Hey! There's a strong argument in favor of a cover up.

Let's everybody keep their mouths shut and pretend like Penn State isn't involved and we'll all be better off.

Unfortunately, since most of the victims alleged (and proved) sexual child abuse on Penn State premises and since high ranking administrators were aware of at least two of the incidents, continuing the cover up wasn't really a viable option.

How many times do you have to just "make shit up out of whole cloth", before you start to believe it to be true?
Hey! There's a strong argument in favor of a cover up.

Let's everybody keep their mouths shut and pretend like Penn State isn't involved and we'll all be better off.

Unfortunately, since most of the victims alleged (and proved) sexual child abuse on Penn State premises and since high ranking administrators were aware of at least two of the incidents, continuing the cover up wasn't really a viable option. 1998 PSU admins were told by CC CYS/DPW that JS' showering behavior was no big deal, normal coach behavior, and didn't even so much as place any restrictions on his access to kids or indicate him. Harmon actually sent and email to Schultz saying the incident was deemed to be not criminal.

In 2001 the one and only witness testified that no one at PSU told him to keep quiet, never filed a written statement to police, never expressed dissatisfaction or said more needed to be done when Curley followed up with him, and PSU reported the incident OUTSIDE of PSU to the folks (which PSU admins had ZERO control over) who where legally required to look into any and all incidents.

Oh yeah and the admins made no effort to even secure the silence of the alleged victim in 2001 or the silence of the first two people the one and only witness spoke to (JM and Dr. D).

That's one hell of a cover up!

The real cover up was done by the PSU BOT/Freeh/OAG to keep the abysmal failures of CC CYS/DPW/TSM from the masses thus putting further kids at risk....see Jarrod Tutko for a perfect example of this.

Assholes like yourself, who keep trying to propagate the current narrative, are only ensuring another Jarrod Tutko happens. I don't even know how you sleep at night.
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You mean the administrators that haven't been convicted of anything? The ones that nobody wants to bring to trial? Those guys?
That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.
Seth Williams will be re-elected, Kathleen **** Kane will find out what porn really is in the big house, and I will sit back and scoff at the sh**storm that follows.
That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.

You are wrong in your first quote. So far, nobody had any evidence of abuse beyond 1998 (where he was investigated, set up in a sting, psychologically evaluated, and cleared [in laymen's terms, not charged in legal terms]) and then 2001. There were no other victims identified when Curly and Schultz were informed by Paterno of McQueary's claims.
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Seth Williams will be re-elected, Kathleen **** Kane will find out what porn really is in the big house, and I will sit back and scoff at the sh**storm that follows.

There is zero chance that Seth will ever be elected to anything in Philly again.
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That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.

I have you on ignore because you are a relentless ijjit, but I did want to address this point in bold.

Because what you suggest is EXACTLY what Syracuse did with Bernie Fine. They seemed to do OK.
That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.

You're changing the subject.
In your first post you claimed that there was a coverup at Penn State.
There wasn't.
This is a lie cooked up by Frank Fina and Tom Corbett.
Your friends on the Board of Trustees were complicit in perpetuating that lie.
In doing so, they violated their fiduciary duty to Penn State and cost the university hundreds of millions of dollars.
They need to be held accountable for their actions.
That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.
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That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.

Well for starters they could have reminded the media/public that both incidents were reported OUTSIDE of PSU, that JS RETIRED from PSU in 1999, and also exactly what a GJ presentment is, a non factual one sided prosecutorial document, instead of flushing the schools reputation down the drain by assuming the guilt of the admins/Joe based on a freaking GJP. Then they could have taken a neutral stance, separated the school from the alleged crimes instead of owning them, and placed all involved persons on leave pending adjudication of their trials.

It's basic PR/Crisis management 101. PSU had experts like Stephen Fink offering their crisis management expertise for free and the OG BOT wanted nothing to do with that....hmm...I wonder why??
You are wrong in your first quote. So far, nobody had any evidence of abuse beyond 1998 (where he was investigated, set up in a sting, psychologically evaluated, and cleared [in laymen's terms, not charged in legal terms]) and then 2001. There were no other victims identified when Curly and Schultz were informed by Paterno of McQueary's claims.
I wasn't saying there was.

Try to follow the logic:

1. High-level administrators knew of allegations of abuse on Penn State premises in 1998;

2. The Chief of Police for PSU knew that a psychologist had tagged Sandusky as a probable pedophile in 1998 (this became public knowledge in December 2011, shortly after the presentment)

3. An employee reports he was an eyewitness to abuse on Penn State premises in 2001

4. Another employee (the janitor) reportedly saw Sandusky abusing a child

5. Multiple victims say they were abused on Penn State premises.

The idea that PSU could stick its head in the sand in Nov.-Dec. 2011 and pretend nothing had happened and wait for it to all go away is ludicrous. This is especially true since high-level Penn State administrators were already alleged to have engaged in a cover up.

Penn State had to agree to conduct an investigation at that point.
Well for starters they could have reminded the media/public that both incidents were reported OUTSIDE of PSU, that JS RETIRED from PSU in 1999, and also exactly what a GJ presentment is, a non factual one sided prosecutorial document, instead of flushing the schools reputation down the drain by assuming the guilt of the admins/Joe based on a freaking GJP. Then they could have taken a neutral stance, separated the school from the alleged crimes instead of owning them, and placed all involved persons on leave pending adjudication of their trials.

It's basic PR/Crisis management 101. PSU had experts like Stephen Fink offering their crisis management expertise for free and the OG BOT wanted nothing to do with that....hmm...I wonder why??
He knows all that.

He's just one of the old TOS Circle-Jerkers.....he gets his jollies from the inane-argument masturbation.

He will never stop
He is immune to logic
It is useless to "engage" him
I wasn't saying there was.

Try to follow the logic:

1. High-level administrators knew of allegations of abuse on Penn State premises in 1998;

2. The Chief of Police for PSU knew that a psychologist had tagged Sandusky as a probable pedophile in 1998 (this became public knowledge in December 2011, shortly after the presentment)

3. An employee reports he was an eyewitness to abuse on Penn State premises in 2001

4. Another employee (the janitor) reportedly saw Sandusky abusing a child

5. Multiple victims say they were abused on Penn State premises.

The idea that PSU could stick its head in the sand in Nov.-Dec. 2011 and pretend nothing had happened and wait for it to all go away is ludicrous. This is especially true since high-level Penn State administrators were already alleged to have engaged in a cover up.

Penn State had to agree to conduct an investigation at that point.
You jump around like a fart in a frying pan.
That's not the issue. The issue is, What does Penn State do after the presentment comes down, with a summary of McQueary's testimony concerning (whether true or not) of anal rape that was reported to administrators and evidence of high-level administrators knowing of a previous incident plus a number of victims claiming they'd been sexually assaulted on Penn State premises.

The consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead. I think that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary.

My other point is, doing nothing was not an option. In November 2011, Penn State was the most hated institution in America. If it took an approach of "everybody go away and leave us alone" I don't think it would exist in anything resembling its traditional state.

How about if the BOT, many of whom are lawyers, asked some probing questions after a front page article appeared in the Patriot in March, 2011 about a grand jury investigating Sandusky for possible child abuse, so that you would have been prepared when the presentment was announced? How about if one single BOT member had the courage to stand up and say we abhor child abuse, but we will not make any hasty decisions until a thorough investigation is completed? How about telling the NCAA when it admitted months later that it made up the rules to punish and make an example out of PSU that it had no jurisdiction or authority to impose sanctions and, if you did, we would see you in court?

The limp you know what approach of let's roll over and do whatever we can and pay whatever we can to make the nasty media and other haters go away was the worst example of "leadership" I have seen in my life and is now the subject of numerous seminars on how NOT to handle a crisis. If you were a fly on the wall in any of those BOT meetings you would not have been able to find a spine among any of them.

Your claim that the consensus of the Joebots is that PSU should've ignored everything and circled the wagons because once investigations were started, there was no telling where they might lead and further claim that "that's the exact reason why investigations were necessary" is perhaps your most asinine post (and that covers a lot of territory). To the contrary, it is the BOT who has constantly played hide the ball and paid millions of dollars to have a professional witness (frequently referred to as a "whore" in legal circles) like Freeh conduct a one-sided "investigation" which provided them with exactly the cover they desired so that they could deflect attention away from their failures and use the false narrative to make Paterno their scapegoat and the football program its sacrificial lamb.

The irony in all of this is many of those who threw Paterno and the football program under the bus in order to cover their you know whats were former players who apparently forgot much of what Paterno tried to teach them as soon as it got a little hot in the kitchen. Consider the contrast between their shameful performance to that of Paterno who stood by Rashard Casey in the face of much media criticism when what turned out to be bogus charges were field against him. Collectively, the members of the BOT will never be half the man (or person ) that Paterno was.
I wasn't saying there was.

Try to follow the logic:

1. High-level administrators knew of allegations of abuse on Penn State premises in 1998;

2. The Chief of Police for PSU knew that a psychologist had tagged Sandusky as a probable pedophile in 1998 (this became public knowledge in December 2011, shortly after the presentment)

3. An employee reports he was an eyewitness to abuse on Penn State premises in 2001

4. Another employee (the janitor) reportedly saw Sandusky abusing a child

5. Multiple victims say they were abused on Penn State premises.

The idea that PSU could stick its head in the sand in Nov.-Dec. 2011 and pretend nothing had happened and wait for it to all go away is ludicrous. This is especially true since high-level Penn State administrators were already alleged to have engaged in a cover up.

Penn State had to agree to conduct an investigation at that point.

You're all over the place on this...clearly you are caught and you are spinning:

1. High-level administrators knew of allegations of abuse on Penn State premises in 1998. Allegations that the police found as being not worth the time to even charge in addition to the fact that the child, at the time, supported JS's claims. (and two failed sting attempts)

2. The Chief of Police for PSU knew that a psychologist had tagged Sandusky as a probable pedophile in 1998 (this became public knowledge in December 2011, shortly after the presentment) We don't know if CS or S knew what the CoP felt, we also know that another psychologist came up with a different and opposite conclusion.

3. An employee reports he was an eyewitness to abuse on Penn State premises in 2001. Yep, but he also reported it to several other people who did nothing. Why? Why was this reported to a dozen people and nobody took action beyond what C & S did? This is the only true mystery. I suspect that MM emboldened his testimony because he was told that his testimony stood between JS walking and continuing to rome the streets. MM has remained will be interesting to see what he says later on in life. Regardless, this one is on Schultz, who's responsibility it was to manage the police.

4. Another employee (the janitor) reportedly saw Sandusky abusing a child. And told nobody. He didn't tell CS or S. So what could be done about it? He also never said that under oath.

5. Multiple victims say they were abused on Penn State premises. Yep...not until 2009/10 & 11. Again, if CS&S didn't know about it, they couldn't do anything. And, I would add, most came out after their was a massive payoff.
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I wasn't saying there was.

Try to follow the logic:

1. High-level administrators knew of allegations of abuse on Penn State premises in 1998;

2. The Chief of Police for PSU knew that a psychologist had tagged Sandusky as a probable pedophile in 1998 (this became public knowledge in December 2011, shortly after the presentment)

3. An employee reports he was an eyewitness to abuse on Penn State premises in 2001

4. Another employee (the janitor) reportedly saw Sandusky abusing a child

5. Multiple victims say they were abused on Penn State premises.

The idea that PSU could stick its head in the sand in Nov.-Dec. 2011 and pretend nothing had happened and wait for it to all go away is ludicrous. This is especially true since high-level Penn State administrators were already alleged to have engaged in a cover up.

Penn State had to agree to conduct an investigation at that point.

Your friends did the opposite of "sticking their heads in the sand."

They were accomplices in selling the "coverup" lie to the media and the public.
They encouraged Freeh to declare Penn State football responsible for Sandusky's crimes.
They encouraged Freeh to declare that we suffered from a culture in which football was placed above the welfare of children.

They were malicious or incompetent.

Pick one.
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I'll try too. How about paying a NON-INDEPENDENT SHILL LIKE FREEH to say something truthful like: "administrators at Penn State were confused based on Sandusky's prior history with law enforcement and ambiguous communication from the eyewitness. The responsibility for mandatory reporting rests at the Second Mile. Confusion is part of the MO of a pedophile per experts. The entire community is and was confused. Penn State is committed to learning more about why the community did not have clarity on Sandusky's alleged behavior and to the be world's leader in education on these types of crimes. Penn State will also cooperate with law enforcement authorities to help with the investigation of Sandusky and the Second Mile Foundation."
Your friends did the opposite of "sticking their heads in the sand."

They were accomplices in selling the "coverup" lie to the media and the public.
They encouraged Freeh to declare Penn State football responsible for Sandusky's crimes.
They encouraged Freeh to declare that we suffered from a culture in which football was placed above the welfare of children.

They were malicious or incompetent.

Pick one.

Can't I have both?
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