Football Iowa AD Confirms B1G schools may not have same number of protected rivals

There's going to be potential for "unfair" results, but how is the current system any better? The #2 team in the East is almost always better than the best from the West, but the West representative gets to go.
Yes, but at least by playing every team in the division you've at least got a good idea that the rep from the West is at least the best of the West thanks to them all playing each other, and have some confidence that team is better than at least the 6 other teams in that division. Without any divisions at all it could get even worse if the schedules get extremely unbalanced. It's unlikely, but what if one team happens to play the bottom 9 teams in the conference? That's impossible today but isn't impossible without divisions.
Right. The B1G is going to do what is best for the B1G.
You'd think so, but they don't do that today. The Big hurts themselves by having OSU, UM, PSU and MSU in the same division. They hurt themselves by having a 9 game conference schedule while the SEC has 8. This only decreases the Big 10's opportunities to get playoff spots.
Assuming neither OSU nor Michigan falls off the face of the Earth ala Nebraska, Penn State fans should be happy to have an easier protected rival(s). That means the Nitts would have a slightly easier path to the Big Ten Championship game over the long haul.