"Due to Covid sports are now getting cut in the BiG 10"
Are you really that naive?
Pretty sure that of all competitive sports, tennis has the most "social distancing" baked in.
Colleges, if they weren't tax exempts, would be where mortgages and banks were, circa 2006. They are completely divorced from economic reality.
I'm an old fa*t, and I started at a Penn State Commonwealth Campus in 1980.
Total Tuition: Three Trimesters @$472 each. $1416 for the entire year. Gas was a little over a buck a gallon then-is it $12.00 now?)
They are going to try to snip around the edges by cutting sports, but until they cut the administrative bloat and the pseudo-intellectual insanity masquerading as academics (i.e., the recent tweet by the Rutgers Math Education PhD candidate- that "2 + 2" isn't always 4 but for culture) they have no idea what's about to hit them because of the proliferation of digital technologies and a birthrate. that began plunging about 12 years ago and so there are going to be a lot fewer freshmen in 2025.
The administrators need a convenient excuse to do what they would have done anyway.