So the heat shields have been deployed and starting today the team will start to tension the shield into its final deployment.
They took a day off Sat and spent Sunday doing a power systems check. Said that no matter how much they test on earth it isn’t the same as space so they wanted to check out the state of the ship. Appears all systems are good since they are progressing.
They also activated four thermometers last week, two on the hot side and two on the cold side. Cold side was -242 before shield deployment and now is -314. Hot side is up to 136. So shields made a big difference.
During Webb's launch, deployment and commissioning, 'WhereIsWebb' tracked Webb's 'flight' to L2 orbit, its state and progress during its deployment and commissioning process, and finally the release of its first images. This process is now complete. During this process, the page constantly...