James Webb Space Telescope updated Jan 13, 2024….😱 Video of discoveries far and near!🧨

It has always struck me as too orderly of an explanation. If everything is moving away from itself, then where's the center, i.e., it's origin point? I have never seen an explanation that points to anything, let alone a direction. I have a few other thoughts on the topic but it could take a long time to go through them.
Here ya go, Joe. @91Joe95 Stumbled across this fascinating video that explains all the complex movements we make as we zoom along riding this Big Blue Marble!

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Here ya go, Joe. @91Joe95 Stumbled across this fascinating video that explains all the complex movements we make as we zoom along riding this Big Blue Marble!

There was nothing in there about where the supposed origin point of the Big Bang is supposed to be, but I did learn human produced CO2 is warding off a devastating ice age.
Here’s a little more insight. First, Hubble had two functional gyroscopes but they shut one down to hold in reserve should the one that is operating fail. They expect the two to last around ten years.

Second, they have not ruled out any mission yet. Just thinking it’s best to wait until necessary. Any mission risks damaging the satellite so they want to wait, continue to look at options, develop the necessary technology, and act if and when necessary.

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Big Bang was when GOD said: "Let there be light".
Actually, according to his word there was no so-called Big Bang. The Book says he spoke everything into existence which implies fully formed and fully functioning. It also says that he hung the stars in their places and calls them all by name. Pretty fantastic stuff.
Nothing current, just a little rocket porn with 'then vs now' footage differences.

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The universe may be much older than thought.

Love it when everything they thought they knew gets tossed out the astrological window.

Somewhere early in this thread I predicted we would find out the universe is much older than thought, perhaps twice as old.
I seem to remember reading the oscillations correspond to the major asteroid collisions that led to mass extinctions. As the solar system passes through certain areas of the galaxy it encounters asteroid belts. And much like the San Andreas fault and magnetic pole flip, we're due.
Interesting theory. I am not an astrophysics guy and know very little about this. But the entire galaxy rotates around its center so it’s not like we enter different zones as we rotate.

But since we seem to oscillate up and down crossing the ‘equator’ or ‘centerline’ the areas of the galaxy above and below that line may be more populated with asteroids and various objects.

It’s also possible that such variations may cause objects in the Ort Cloud to be dislodged and sent on a collision course?

Whew...looks like the football schedule won't be affected.