"Jason Witten to become HC at Tennessee" Rumor

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Written already shot these down. Would enjoy seeing Tennessee settle for someone with no coaching experience though.
LOL never coached a football game in his life then jumps in to a dumpster fire SEC school.
Paul Ruebens might be looking for a second career.....or Roy Moore. Upon first look Roy seems a better east Tennessee sexual cultural fit although there are a lot of jack offs in Knoxville, too. This is a really tough call... they are number 1 and number 2 in my mind with no clear cut leader after serious consideration. Problem is they would probably both turn down an offer for the UT job.....
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Paul Ruebens might be looking for a second career.....or Roy Moore. Upon first look Roy seems a better east Tennessee sexual cultural fit although there are a lot of jack offs in Knoxville, too. This is a really tough call... they are number 1 and number 2 in my mind with no clear cut leader after serious consideration. Problem is they would probably both turn down an offer for the UT job.....
‘If there’s grass on the field, you can play ball.’
-Roy Moore
So the only ones UT fans want to engineer this trainwreck are alums like Witten and Martin or pie-in-the-sky candidates like Gruden? Good luck with that...
Clay Travis is a fvcktard. This is more of his throwing bs at the wall fantasyland.

well, he likes boobs and the Tennessee fan base seems to be filled with boobs.

Has Clay come to realize that no matter how many times he says it, Gruden ain't coming?
As an intelligence professional, I can 100% confirm that clay Travis needs to be taught about sourcing and confirmation bias, and how he’s considered a journalist so he needs to have some journalistic integrity. Dude is a joke.
Just FYI, they all think Mike Gundy is a done deal..haha

He is meeting with them. Fans would love it, and he's a 'name' guy. I think he would score some points, but the SEC isn't the Big XII.
Clay Travis is a fvcktard. This is more of his throwing bs at the wall fantasyland.

True on Clay Travis ----- that guy just needs to go away. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen.

Franklin was a frequent guest on Travis' radio show back in his Nashville/Vanderbilt days. That's where Franklin made his somewhat infamous "assistant coaches' wives" comments. Travis did sort of bait him into that comment.