I teach high school. Once a week we start class looking at the "news" from an assortment or websites. Suffice it to say that you wouldn't know we are in the same country most of the time based on what is featured. An intelligent person doesn't follow the sheep...but draws their own conclusions based on as much evidence as possible. Was Jerry a perv? Yes. Are Big Red, his old man and the Dr. D guilty of not doing the "right thing" themselves. Yes. DoD our own reps sell out our school's reputation and Joe? Yes. If I were to do what Joe did in 2011 based on a perceived student abuse issue, would I have been doing my duty? Yes. I agree, being informed is the only way your opinion matters, otherwise you end up quacking whatever the 8pm cable tv host tells you too. John A, in my opinion,ion, did a disservice to PSU re Joe. But he is far, far from the worst. If Bartram isn't called for that phantom "hold" vs. Calvert Cheney then JA is arguably part of the biggest W in PSU hoops history. Would we still hate on him as much?