Just a little reminder of Michigan State fans from 2012.


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2002
This is just a very small sample of what they had to say in 2012

If the PSU scandal had happened at MSU:

Whos Your Choice to replace PSU in the BIG:

The Big Ten Should Just Kick out Penn State and add Notre Dame:

To Any Lurking PSU Fans:

In What Year will PSU really be bad:

Mike Sadlers tweet re Bielema and Ped State:

The Tangled web Pedo St weaves:

PSU Zettel Staying Put: (you guys thought he was an idiot)

So is Wisky the big “winner” of the PSU scandal:

Penn State fans SMH:

Franco Harris WTF issues letter blasting Freeh report:

USA Swimming > Penn State:

“It's not our fault that those degenerate losers can't handle the truth.”

Is it too early for a Something for Joey Joke?:
Yes, you had a post on your board asking if it was too early to joke about a little boy dying of cancer.Why? I am not really sure why, I guess because he was a little boy?
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This is just a very small sample of what they had to say in 2012

If the PSU scandal had happened at MSU:

Whos Your Choice to replace PSU in the BIG:

The Big Ten Should Just Kick out Penn State and add Notre Dame:

To Any Lurking PSU Fans:

In What Year will PSU really be bad:

Mike Sadlers tweet re Bielema and Ped State:

The Tangled web Pedo St weaves:

PSU Zettel Staying Put: (you guys thought he was an idiot)

So is Wisky the big “winner” of the PSU scandal:

Penn State fans SMH:

Franco Harris WTF issues letter blasting Freeh report:

USA Swimming > Penn State:

“It's not our fault that those degenerate losers can't handle the truth.”

Is it too early for a Something for Joey Joke?:
Yes, you had a post on your board asking if it was too early to joke about a little boy dying of cancer.Why? I am not really sure why, I guess because he was a little boy?


"Jul 23, 2012

MSU has governance mechanisms and leadership in place that guarantees that this level of fraud and corruption will never take place at MSU. It is still possible for future leaders of MSU to run afoul of the laws, bylaws and other regulations...humans will make bad choices, but there will never be something that happens at MSU that is enabled by institutional culture."
I took the liberty to look at the Red Cedar site. I admit, I smiled. Blaming the media for not having all the facts before writing their stories. Condemning the media for asking questions about the basketball incidents.
Why espn did not include what the DA said about one of the cases.

I honestly wanted to reply with these same instances that occurred at Penn State, then include a link to all of the above references of their board when Penn State was being attacked from the outside.

But, I'll take the high road.

This is just a very small sample of what they had to say in 2012

If the PSU scandal had happened at MSU:

Whos Your Choice to replace PSU in the BIG:

The Big Ten Should Just Kick out Penn State and add Notre Dame:

To Any Lurking PSU Fans:

In What Year will PSU really be bad:

Mike Sadlers tweet re Bielema and Ped State:

The Tangled web Pedo St weaves:

PSU Zettel Staying Put: (you guys thought he was an idiot)

So is Wisky the big “winner” of the PSU scandal:

Penn State fans SMH:

Franco Harris WTF issues letter blasting Freeh report:

USA Swimming > Penn State:

“It's not our fault that those degenerate losers can't handle the truth.”

Is it too early for a Something for Joey Joke?:
Yes, you had a post on your board asking if it was too early to joke about a little boy dying of cancer.Why? I am not really sure why, I guess because he was a little boy?

This is a terrific find. Let’s break down some of these...

What year will PSU really be bad? Answer - whatever year we barely finished 500...with a win over 24-point favorite Wisky to boot. Joe must have used his curse for that 2016 Sparty season.

Mike Sadler’s’s kinda classless to joke about someone who died in a car accident so I’ll move on.

PSU’s Zettel staying put...and now you dumb Sparty fans worship him as a Detroit Lion.

Is Wisky the big winner? 38-31 in the 2016 Big Ten title game. So, no.

Too early for a Joey joke? I don’t know, too early for a Magic Johnson HIV joke?

Why it’ll never happen at MSU. L O Freakin L.

The moral as always - glass houses people. Do your own research into the facts before you make silly comments that someday could be dredged up against you. I take zero happiness out of this MSU situation. It’s incredibly sad. But for those in admin, in the media, in fandom, who felt it was necessary to preach to us how we should act when dealing with this - karma, biatches.
This is just a very small sample of what they had to say in 2012

If the PSU scandal had happened at MSU:

Whos Your Choice to replace PSU in the BIG:

The Big Ten Should Just Kick out Penn State and add Notre Dame:

To Any Lurking PSU Fans:

In What Year will PSU really be bad:

Mike Sadlers tweet re Bielema and Ped State:

The Tangled web Pedo St weaves:

PSU Zettel Staying Put: (you guys thought he was an idiot)

So is Wisky the big “winner” of the PSU scandal:

Penn State fans SMH:

Franco Harris WTF issues letter blasting Freeh report:

USA Swimming > Penn State:

“It's not our fault that those degenerate losers can't handle the truth.”

Is it too early for a Something for Joey Joke?:
Yes, you had a post on your board asking if it was too early to joke about a little boy dying of cancer.Why? I am not really sure why, I guess because he was a little boy?

Reading the "In What Year Will PSU be Really Bad" is actually pretty awesome. Almost everyone thought we'd be below .500 from 2013 onward. Just amazing what this program was able to sustain thanks in large part (imo) to the foundation JoePa built and the tremendous job Franklin has done (Mauti, Zordich, and BOB deserve a lot of credit too).
This should be the eighth "Sticky thread" (well, the list of links from the OP, that is)
As they typed those posts, the Rape Camp culture had been up and running for >2 years. Mark Emmert had known about it since 2010.
ABSOLUTELY! Wow, what a bunch of hypocrites. President of the school on down. To decry PSU knowing their own scandal, official and all, was brewing is the ultimate arrogant and ignorant response. Look over there, not here.
I was just over on their board reading thru the thoughts and opinions of the Sparty faithful. As mentioned above, they apparently have learned little if anything over the past six years and seemed to have had had their memories deleted over the past 6 days. Many are still convinced that "PSU is still worse" and they have done nothing wrong. And the term "nice guy offender" is not a term with which they're familiar. Perhaps they need to be introduced to the Clemente Report?
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" A Lincoln.
I was just over on their board reading thru the thoughts and opinions of the Sparty faithful. As mentioned above, they apparently have learned little if anything over the past six years and seemed to have had had their memories deleted over the past 6 days. Many are still convinced that "PSU is still worse" and they have done nothing wrong. And the term "nice guy offender" is not a term with which they're familiar. Perhaps they need to be introduced to the Clemente Report?

The sad part is they were introduced to the Clemente report and the concept of ‘pillar of the community offenders’ over 6 years ago.

Like their leader Lou Anna, they just ignored it and reacted with arrogance and condescension.

It was apparently more satisfying to throw bombs at Penn St fans (who, like them, had nothing to do with these events).
I was just over on their board reading thru the thoughts and opinions of the Sparty faithful. As mentioned above, they apparently have learned little if anything over the past six years and seemed to have had had their memories deleted over the past 6 days. Many are still convinced that "PSU is still worse" and they have done nothing wrong. And the term "nice guy offender" is not a term with which they're familiar. Perhaps they need to be introduced to the Clemente Report?
As a person who believes that the less we share that knowledge, the more victims will be abused, it would actually be a good thing if someone shared the Clemente report with them. There are fascinating parallels AND distinctions.

Sandusky was a big doofus who acted like a kid to befriend and then abuse troubled kids from broken homes. The kids he abused had few people in their lives who cared a damn about them.

Nassar was a doctor who used his position to abuse female gymnasts, many of whom were some of the most protected kids in our country. The cost of the equipment and the lessons far outstrips that of most other sports; while there are some poor kids in it, the majority are middle class or better.

But in both cases, rules about two adults in the room were routinely blown off by both men with NO pushback from the people in charge. In both cases this was likely not because the people in charge wanted to see kids abused, but because nobody could believe even their own eyes or the eyewitnesses who came forward.

It appears the number of reports at MSU was a lot higher than at PSU, and at MSU you had college-student victims reporting abuse for nearly 20 years to coaches, trainers, etc.

But in both cases nobody did anything, and more children were abused after the first situations were reported. In both cases, the state level child protection folks were out to lunch or worse, and the cops failed to catch the predator despite complaints.

Now, because we want to believe it could not happen to our kids, we are suckers for punishing the "evil-doers" who "covered up" the abuse. Once they are punished we can let ourselves off the hook, because wherever we send our kids does not have these people, our orgs have only good people in them. Thus the stage is set for hundreds or thousands of these people to continue to operate, just like Jerry, and just like Larry.

AAARGHHH! It is still happening every day, and we cannot even make people watch out for it.
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I don't see them having a winning record after that for some time and I can't see them winning more than 4 or 5 Big Ten games total from 2014-2017. They may beat an Indiana or an Illinois here and there but they will be getting drubbed on the regular.

Rodeo Burger
PSU will get progressively worse each year for the next 4 years, as depth dimishes with each graduating class, that will be replaced by fewer, less heralded recruits. If in year 5, they somehow convince a bunch of college ready studs to go to PSU, they'll improve, but that seems unlikely. Even then, they'd be HOPING to win 5 or 6 games.

I don't see them having a winning record after that for some time and I can't see them winning more than 4 or 5 Big Ten games total from 2014-2017. They may beat an Indiana or an Illinois here and there but they will be getting drubbed on the regular.

Rodeo Burger
PSU will get progressively worse each year for the next 4 years, as depth dimishes with each graduating class, that will be replaced by fewer, less heralded recruits. If in year 5, they somehow convince a bunch of college ready studs to go to PSU, they'll improve, but that seems unlikely. Even then, they'd be HOPING to win 5 or 6 games.


LOL, Delaney looks like he wants to crawl into a hole.
He should.
I sure would like to match up what he said back in 2011-12 about PSU.
Haha, the booing SHOOK his old ass.

Total mystery why they were booing me!

The best was Franklin making sure the crowd didn't boo Archie Griffin, but didn't say or do anything to cut off the boos for Delaney.

He knows what's up.


He was totally throwing up in his mouth that whole time. It is glorious.

Similar to how glorious it was to watch Goddell at the SB51 and MVP presentations. What a great few months of eating crow for me that was
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-- Well, Brodson, no need to do that anymore. It happened (actually while you typed that in 2012 it was happening), and we're finding out exactly what your leadership did.

Jul 23, 2012
MSU has governance mechanisms and leadership in place that guarantees that this level of fraud and corruption will never take place at MSU. It is still possible for future leaders of MSU to run afoul of the laws, bylaws and other regulations...humans will make bad choices, but there will never be something that happens at MSU that is enabled by institutional culture.
-- Someone should ask Simon Bolivar if he has a guess what Larry Nassar was doing on Jul 23, 2012 on the campus of MSU.

"Jul 23, 2012

MSU has governance mechanisms and leadership in place that guarantees that this level of fraud and corruption will never take place at MSU. It is still possible for future leaders of MSU to run afoul of the laws, bylaws and other regulations...humans will make bad choices, but there will never be something that happens at MSU that is enabled by institutional culture."

I also like this one...

"I would want MSU to go the University of Chicago route and not play sports any more. MSU football gives me much joy but it's not worth it to have it around if it means that innocent children are molested to protect it."
Haha, the booing SHOOK his old ass.

Total mystery why they were booing me!

The best was Franklin making sure the crowd didn't boo Archie Griffin, but didn't say or do anything to cut off the boos for Delaney.

He knows what's up.


ugh...the pause Delaney made before he could spit out .... "to James Franklin" like he didn't know his name, or it pained him to say it...just sickening. I hope Nassar reaches his desk. #Delaneyknew
This is just a very small sample of what they had to say in 2012

If the PSU scandal had happened at MSU:

Whos Your Choice to replace PSU in the BIG:

The Big Ten Should Just Kick out Penn State and add Notre Dame:

To Any Lurking PSU Fans:

In What Year will PSU really be bad:

Mike Sadlers tweet re Bielema and Ped State:

The Tangled web Pedo St weaves:

PSU Zettel Staying Put: (you guys thought he was an idiot)

So is Wisky the big “winner” of the PSU scandal:

Penn State fans SMH:

Franco Harris WTF issues letter blasting Freeh report:

USA Swimming > Penn State:

“It's not our fault that those degenerate losers can't handle the truth.”

Is it too early for a Something for Joey Joke?:
Yes, you had a post on your board asking if it was too early to joke about a little boy dying of cancer.Why? I am not really sure why, I guess because he was a little boy?

Boy, it'd be great to throw these back in those individuals' faces.
This was posted on their board 9 hours ago.

Yeah, I don't think Gameday is coming to East Lansing anytime soon but OMG the boner I would have for the week leading up to it.

Not EL, but a looming Top 10 matchup @ Pedo St is October