Didn't hear that either but there were clips of him practicing several moves while roped in that were shot over a couple of years time. And just about every hand holds he used was covered with chalk meaning they have been used by him and others for years.
He used well known pathways and hand holds. Practiced them a lot. But doing it freestyle with zero margin of error is completely different. An amazing feat.
I can easily walk along a 2x4 a foot off the ground. Put it five feet in the air and it gets tougher. Put it ten feat in the air and its all most impossible for me. Making that climb freestyle is near impossible...and he made it look relatively easy.
Four hours of amazingly choreographed movement. Incredible. Stunningly incredible.
Re: the 2x4 reference, I watched OU and UCLA Women’s gymnastics over the weekend. They are ranked #1 & #2 in the country. The Balance Beam routines were pretty damn good. Bare feet, front flips, back flips, combination moves. Just one fall among the ten contestants. I’d need a ladder just to get up and on the damn device!