Between Seattle trying to deal with record homelessness (by taxing their businesses in a anti-capitalist move) and SF having to shovel mounds of shit and needles out of their streets and train stations so tourists don't stop coming and this happy report of yet another RECORD BREAKING social milestone, you'd think that the LEFTIES in Prog Paradise wouldn't have time to be finger wagging at the rest of America that still believes in the rule of law and conservative principles.
But, you'd be wrong.......
Between Seattle trying to deal with record homelessness (by taxing their businesses in a anti-capitalist move) and SF having to shovel mounds of shit and needles out of their streets and train stations so tourists don't stop coming and this happy report of yet another RECORD BREAKING social milestone, you'd think that the LEFTIES in Prog Paradise wouldn't have time to be finger wagging at the rest of America that still believes in the rule of law and conservative principles.
But, you'd be wrong.......
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