Wow, your posts sound exactly like you're a mouthpiece for the bastion of journalistic integrity known as (aka Fina's bully pulpit).
Still avoiding the MAIN question in this whole ordeal....why did Fina cut a deal (dropping ALL, not some but ALL 2,088 charges) giving the big fish a TOTAL PASS to go after some minnows?? I guess you're not curious about this b/c you don't want to know the answer....the answer is: Fina is a corrupt scumbag.
Do you have a link/copy of the signed nolle pros. deal where it says that Ali still needs to cooperate after it's signed? Forgive me if I don't take (aka Fina's cheerleaders) at their word. The only thing the article mentions regarding this is the following: "The noncooperation agreement, reviewed by The Inquirer, says that all charges against Ali were to be dropped - but only after he had testified, and testified truthfully."
Also, in the very article you linked it says that Kane wanted nothing to do with executing the deal that FINA signed however she was forced to do so when Ali's lawyer filed a motion to compel:
"At the news conference, Kane said Ali had "no accountability to the prosecution, either. That CI, he had no credibility after all his charges were dumped. He could have stood on the stand and said, 'I don't remember a thing.' "
"Kane's office dropped the fraud charges late last year in sealed motions in Dauphin County Court in Harrisburg, after she had decided that the sting was deeply flawed and that any prosecution would fail. The withdrawal ended her office's dealings with Ali.
"The decision to drop all charges against the CI rests squarely on Mr. Fina's shoulders," Kane said in a statement Tuesday.
"Any attempt by Mr. Fina to distance himself from the 'deal of the century' is acknowledgment of his poor decision-making," she said.
Fina declined to comment. (really?? no comment defending your action of dropping THOUSANDS (2,088 to be exact) of charges against a guy who violated the state to the tune of $400+K?? big surprise...)
Ali's lawyer, Robert J. Levant, also declined to comment. (big surprise)
In her statement, Kane's office said she initially had "no intention" of carrying out the agreement with Ali, but did so in late 2013 after Levant went to court to force her to comply.
Asked about the case, Gilbert J. Scutti, the former head of the criminal division of the U.S. Attorney's Office in Philadelphia, said that regardless of when the charges were dropped, he believed the generous deal with Ali would have prevented a successful prosecution.
"In my view, the case was lost the moment that the deal was cut," he said.
So now you're trying to rationalize Williams over charging the minnows. Of course he overcharged them with bribery, etc. (which is the MO for most prosecutors) because he knew he was going to get most of them to plea down anyway. None of your spin will change the FACT that the folks who did plead guilty, didn't plead guilty for bribery.