Karma is a bitch Carton...

Will never forget Carton destroying the young female Penn State student who called into his show after the Sandusky scandal...

Associating himself as the WFAN’s moral compass and shaming everything Penn State...

Hope you enjoy your 45 years in jail scumbag...

I could not agree more, well said
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Will never forget Carton destroying the young female Penn State student who called into his show after the Sandusky scandal...

Associating himself as the WFAN’s moral compass and shaming everything Penn State...

Hope you enjoy your 45 years in jail scumbag...

He won't get 45 years but he will get some time. Classless jerk, but that is what appeals to most people apparently.

I’ve never heard of this guy and just watch the video of him with the PSU girl on the phone. I wish I did not watch that because I was screaming at the video. Good for him that he gets the spend close to the rest of his life behind bars. I’m inclined to send him a “welcome package” and a note when he gets settled in. He can catch up on actual facts
I knew his wife, Kim. I remember when she told me she was going to marry him. Kim is a great girl. I feel bad for her and her kids.
It is not nice to delight is someone else's misfortune, but in this case it may be OK to make a exception.

This guy is a colossal douche. I remember him in Phila. What a huge ego, without any talent to back it up. I have no idea how he got such a good job.
I like his defense. If that was the best his team could come up with that's pretty sad.

"Carton had maintained complete innocence leading into the trial, but his defense admitted in closing arguments that he had lied to investors about how their money would be used, arguing that was not a crime as long as he intended to eventually refund all money to investors."

I mean, that's the textbook definition of what all those ponzi schemes do. They straight up admitted he was guilty in their closing statements.
I’m not sure why you quoted me unless it was the post about Csrton cheating on his wife. Kim is a knockout with a great body, at least when I knew her. Men cheat. Women cheat. I don’t know.

Or maybe you wanted me to see the post about the incorrect use of ‘literally’. I loved that post. I’m not alone.

I never met Carton or listened to him. Kim moved out to Denver with him when he took a job there. I haven’t seen her since.
"I'm still not in jail yet!"

Wow, now there's a sentence your parents and family should be proud of!