Kramer quotes

"Look away, I am hideous!"

"Oh, I am out there, Jerry, and I'm loving every minute of it!" (when he decides to quit wearing underwear)
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The master of your domain episode....after he comes in a slams the money down shouting. "I'm out. Yea, i am outta the contest." He points at Jerry and says, "You better watch yourself, she's gonna get you next!"
I'll just put this here...
Emphysema, birth defects, cancer. But not this. Jerry, my face is my livelihood, my allure... my twinkle! Everything I have I owe to this face.
From -Maybe one of the top 5 episodes of all time-- "The Jimmy"

Well he said I gotta cut out the skittles
JS: looks like he gave you some novacaine

Its great no kids around you dont have to watch your language
JS: you find the need to use obsecenties at the dentist?
When they pull that needle out I let the expletives fly

GC: Why dont you be more careful with your drool
Hey I'm doin the best I can
"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" When Kramer's hair caught on fire after lighting the cigar in Jerry's oven!
Jerry: You guys both have class at the same time?

Kramer: No, we're in the same class.

Jerry: What do you mean you're in the same class?

Kramer: He almost beat me.

Jerry: Kramer, you're fighting children?!

Kramer: We're all at the same skill level, Jerry.
I think I should have made the thread about Kramers funniest scenes....there are thousands of them!
"Hello and welcome to moviephone!"....."why don't you just tell me where you wanna see the movie."