A few points if I may.
First and foremost, it's not like the officers had any inkling the perp is 'one taco short of a combination platter'.
Second, the officers are on horseback. What did you expect them to do, call for a paddy wagon?
Third, if this was a white man (or any race other for that matter) then it wouldn't be newsworthy. Which points to the larger issue at hand. The defense is advocating two sets of rules: one for blacks and another for everybody else. Why. Due to the 'sins of our fathers'. Sorry to disagree but two wrongs don't make a right. There's no way a society can function in this way.
I thank you and let's keep it real.
A few points if I may.
First and foremost, it's not like the officers had any inkling the perp is 'one taco short of a combination platter'.
Second, the officers are on horseback. What did you expect them to do, call for a paddy wagon?
Third, if this was a white man (or any race other for that matter) then it wouldn't be newsworthy. Which points to the larger issue at hand. The defense is advocating two sets of rules: one for blacks and another for everybody else. Why. Due to the 'sins of our fathers'. Sorry to disagree but two wrongs don't make a right. There's no way a society can function in this way.
I thank you and let's keep it real.