The level of hate by some Hillary Clinton supporters has really surprised me. All through the campaign, HRC supporters cast aspersions towards Trump and other supporters that their vote was motivated by hate and bigotry. As I learned, it really doesn't matter if you voted for Trump or another candidate other than HRC. We were all haters and bigots because we did not support her. Each year, I organize a reunion gathering me my 3 brothers and I and the sons in State College. Since we all live apart from each other, it's a great time to visit and catch up with each other's lives. However, one of my brothers, who voted for HRC, chose this time to discuss politics and cast aspersions toward me and my wife for not voting for the candidate he voted for. He chose to make his case for how people like my wife and I are ruining the country and have hatred for immigrants or anyone different from us. Which is as far from the truth as he could get. My wife is the most benevolent, caring, giving, loving soul that I have ever met. Our base of friends is a cross section of all religions, races, sexual and gender preferences. This is our world and has been all our lives. But what is disappointing to me is that my brother really seems to have hate in his heart for some of us and he chose this reunion to express it. I would not allow him to bait me into an argument or to get angry with him. I finally just told him that I understand that he and I have differences but that those differences doesn't and won't change the fact that we are brothers and that I love him very much and hoped that he would step back and simply enjoy this moment with his brothers, sons and nephews. For the rest of the weekend, he didn't engage in much conversation but remained mostly quiet and solemn. I felt sad that he didn't seem to be enjoying himself, but seemed to be stewing or harboring ill will. This all came as a total suprise to my brothers and I. I just never realized the level of hate. Regardless, I will continue to organize this annual reunion and I hope my brother can come to the realization that even though we are brothers, we will have our differences. I hope he can learn to accept these differences and love us for who we are and not what we do or believe.
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