theory that "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election."
In light of the fact that Trump is now attacking Russia's strong ally, Syria. Also, Russia has now retaliated by suspending the agreement we had to avoid air entanglements over Syria.
Here is a hint: Do not accept Occam's razor and suspend your initial theory. Do not discard it as "probably wrong and not fitting all the facts." Modify your theory as follows: "Trump has no true allies, he only is out for himself. Putin was useful four months ago, now he isn't."
Then, of course, you'll have to discard the theory that "Putin owns Trump" and substitute the theory that "Trump owns Putin", but that is a small price to pay to your worldview.
I'll continue to post additional adjustments to your theories that will allow you to preserve your worldview. Please be understanding as I do so, as it is difficult for people with strong technical skills to think like liberal arts majors.
I am also trying to figure out how you can safely morph your former liberal worldview for 40 years that "The Russians aren't so bad, communism is a fine way to live, if only it can be done right", with your new worldview that "Russia is terrible, Trump is a traitor to America." I may have to speak with the propagandists at the NYT to get some hints about how you ignore starvation and gulags, but should be back with some worldview-saving information shortly.
In light of the fact that Trump is now attacking Russia's strong ally, Syria. Also, Russia has now retaliated by suspending the agreement we had to avoid air entanglements over Syria.
Here is a hint: Do not accept Occam's razor and suspend your initial theory. Do not discard it as "probably wrong and not fitting all the facts." Modify your theory as follows: "Trump has no true allies, he only is out for himself. Putin was useful four months ago, now he isn't."
Then, of course, you'll have to discard the theory that "Putin owns Trump" and substitute the theory that "Trump owns Putin", but that is a small price to pay to your worldview.
I'll continue to post additional adjustments to your theories that will allow you to preserve your worldview. Please be understanding as I do so, as it is difficult for people with strong technical skills to think like liberal arts majors.
I am also trying to figure out how you can safely morph your former liberal worldview for 40 years that "The Russians aren't so bad, communism is a fine way to live, if only it can be done right", with your new worldview that "Russia is terrible, Trump is a traitor to America." I may have to speak with the propagandists at the NYT to get some hints about how you ignore starvation and gulags, but should be back with some worldview-saving information shortly.