You become apocalyptic when Trump lies about his crowd size inauguration. Fine, agreed, it’s silly of Trump to get into those food fights. Yet, liberal leaders and handlers have lied to you, repeatedly, for years now, about MAJOR, fabricated “intelligence”. Sure, you also lie about “Hands up don’t shoot”, the Covington kids, Kavanaugh, Jared’s backchannels, Trump told Cohen to lie, etc....but you lied about COLLUSION with RUSSIA. This whole fiasco could have swung a midterm election, not to mention causing significant harm to international relations on a wide scale.
My question is, when do you get angry enough to jettison your liberal handlers? I bet you could actually win back some swing voters by sacrificing the Clinton cartel, advocate for prosecution, and show some decency for once. Instead, you send out Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters as your voice, deflecting and digging your hole deeper.
You’re going to lose again. Whatever you do, just don’t blame China next time. They actually have the ability to retaliate.
My question is, when do you get angry enough to jettison your liberal handlers? I bet you could actually win back some swing voters by sacrificing the Clinton cartel, advocate for prosecution, and show some decency for once. Instead, you send out Jerry Nadler and Maxine Waters as your voice, deflecting and digging your hole deeper.
You’re going to lose again. Whatever you do, just don’t blame China next time. They actually have the ability to retaliate.