Lion shrine vandal gets ARD and ordered to pay $42k

"Julia F. Cipparulo, 24, of Monroe County, was admitted into a 24-month Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program, which gives defendants with no or limited prior criminal records an opportunity to have charges dismissed and their records expunged upon completion."

"Police identified Cipparulo
as the suspect after recognizing her on surveillance video footage as the same person who in 2021 splashed teal paint on the statue and used permanent markers to vandalize Old Main and the Hintz Family Alumni Center."

So in review, In 2021, Ms Cipparulo vandalized the Lion shrine, old main, and the Hintz Center. In 2022, she vandalized the Lion shrine and other landmarks again.
Seems odd that she would be admitted to the ARD as a 2-time offender of the same crime.
You kidding me?

In Philadelphia you can walk into Target, fill up duffel bags full of swag, and walk out without challenge. Take a dump on the curb on the way out if you want.

In the 10% chance anyone bothers to track you down, you would get a $95 fine. And considering you just sold your swag for $599, you win.

Does this crazy woman deserve jail? Yep. Is being outraged about her not getting it even in the top 1078 crimes that go relatively unpunished under our current “leadership”?

"Julia F. Cipparulo, 24, of Monroe County, was admitted into a 24-month Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) program, which gives defendants with no or limited prior criminal records an opportunity to have charges dismissed and their records expunged upon completion."

"Police identified Cipparulo
as the suspect after recognizing her on surveillance video footage as the same person who in 2021 splashed teal paint on the statue and used permanent markers to vandalize Old Main and the Hintz Family Alumni Center."

So in review, In 2021, Ms Cipparulo vandalized the Lion shrine, old main, and the Hintz Center. In 2022, she vandalized the Lion shrine and other landmarks again.
Seems odd that she would be admitted to the ARD as a 2-time offender of the same crime.
Really good lawyer. She's lucky.
I'm very disappointed. In today's prosecutorial environment she deserved a medal.
As a repeat offender, this is way too generous an offer. She's clearly a troubled individual but thats not an excuse in my book and no way to bring light to the serious allegations she's highlighting.