Look At This Nonsense - Todd Gurley

About Seven Gazillion times more appropriate - and meaningful and logical - than yapping about some goober from Johnstown.

How about this - how about these athletes start to question where their GD sneakers are coming from? A 15 year old Hong Kong protester was found dead - in the water and decapitated yesterday. Hong Kong police ruled her death a "suicide by drowning".
How about this - how about these athletes start to question where their GD sneakers are coming from? A 15 year old Hong Kong protester was found dead - in the water and decapitated yesterday. Hong Kong police ruled her death a "suicide by drowning".
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I discussed that topic wrt Kaepernick, a while back.
It's funny - seems Apple sees the writing on the wall and is opening up new US manufacturing plants. Not a peep from Nike or the others though. Go figure.

Also - I'll go there. I want the damn swoosh off PSU's uniforms. I don't care if they have to play in New Balance running shoes. For all the garbage that gets crammed down our throats re social justice, it's time to call out the real abusers of actual people (not feelings) and put some distance between them and us.
How about this - how about these athletes start to question where their GD sneakers are coming from? A 15 year old Hong Kong protester was found dead - in the water and decapitated yesterday. Hong Kong police ruled her death a "suicide by drowning".

Why should the athletes (especially college athletes) care more than the American businesses who manufacture there, instead of in America, to maximize profits? How outraged should they be at a system they don't control?
Should the soybean farmers in Iowa not sell to China?

Not if they want to make a statement or care about the political and human rights crisis the citizens there are experiencing. Just kidding! Sell that sh*t! Money > all!

I wouldn’t speak for MtN (or anyone else) but I doubt if anyone feels its some “obligation” for a college kid.....
But if they do CHOOSE to utilize their platform, it is nice when one uses the podium to speak about something meaningful.
But that’s up to them - of course - IMO anyway.

Now, a guy like Kaepernick? Making millions of dollars from profit generated by TRUE exploitation of under-resourced folks?
When a guy like that - while quietly taking in his millions of dollars - chooses to yap about how oppressed he is ....... while cashing those paychecks?
To guys like him? I say F him..... my personal feelings anyway.

I think to college athletes, their *treatment* by the NCAA is important to them.
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It's funny - seems Apple sees the writing on the wall and is opening up new US manufacturing plants. Not a peep from Nike or the others though. Go figure.

Also - I'll go there. I want the damn swoosh off PSU's uniforms. I don't care if they have to play in New Balance running shoes. For all the garbage that gets crammed down our throats re social justice, it's time to call out the real abusers of actual people (not feelings) and put some distance between them and us.

Boo effin Hoo


How about this - how about these athletes start to question where their GD sneakers are coming from? A 15 year old Hong Kong protester was found dead - in the water and decapitated yesterday. Hong Kong police ruled her death a "suicide by drowning".
What human rights abuses are taking place within our soybean production facilities? Selling soy beans to China is probably a net positive for the oppressed Chinese people, wouldn't you say? They're probably hungry.
But you brought up a dead Hong Kong protestor, which, strictly speaking, has as much to do with the NBA as it has to do with Iowa soybean farmers.
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If Gurley means the NCAA is exploiting football and men's basketball players, but not other athletes, I agree with him. If he means the NCAA is exploiting all college athletes then I disagree with him.
I agree 100%.
I made mention of that in an earlier post i this thread

Okay - isn’t that what we’re talking about in this thread? The NCAA? I agree about Kap and others who turn a blind eye to some injustices to promote theirs, but was just commenting on Gurley and his shirt here.
It's funny - seems Apple sees the writing on the wall and is opening up new US manufacturing plants. Not a peep from Nike or the others though. Go figure.

Also - I'll go there. I want the damn swoosh off PSU's uniforms. I don't care if they have to play in New Balance running shoes. For all the garbage that gets crammed down our throats re social justice, it's time to call out the real abusers of actual people (not feelings) and put some distance between them and us.

New Balance manufactures at least 30% in china and plays funny math to say 70% in the US.
I wouldn’t speak for MtN (or anyone else) but I doubt if anyone feels its some “obligation” for a college kid.....
But if they do CHOOSE to utilize their platform, it is nice when one uses the podium to speak about something meaningful.
But that’s up to them - of course - IMO anyway.

Now, a guy like Kaepernick? Making millions of dollars from profit generated by TRUE exploitation of under-resourced folks?
When a guy like that - while quietly taking in his millions of dollars - chooses to yap about how oppressed he is ....... while cashing those paychecks?
To guys like him? I say F him..... my personal feelings anyway.
Filthy, fu($ing lucre! Where can I get me some? :D
But you brought up a dead Hong Kong protestor, which, strictly speaking, has as much to do with the NBA as it has to do with Iowa soybean farmers.

The Iowa soybean farmers aren’t pretending to care about social justice for the oppressed. Hypocrisy goes one way on this one
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Ain’t that the truth....... but that’s a topic one billion light years removed from a sports chat board.
You have to admit Barry that this isn't just any old sports chat board. No topic is beyond the collective "genius" of the BWI McAndrew Board. As for my personal quest to profit through some sort of hypocritical and unscrupulous activity [TIC emoticon]:

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Many great posts here. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree on the issue. Hopefully something progresses in the right direction.
You wish they weren't so connected Jim.
Yeah. The only difference is that the NBA can survive without China but Iowa probably can’t. That’s the reality of the world today.

We’ll see what develops when the shit hits the fan, which it most assuredly will. What we’re seeing is child’s play in comparison, keeping in mind that MMII is right when he says that the story you mentioned hasn’t shown up in any of the five searches I’ve made in the past half-hour.
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Yeah. The only difference is that the NBA can survive without China but Iowa probably can’t. That’s the reality of the world today.

We’ll see what develops when the shit hits the fan, which it most assuredly will. What we’re seeing is child’s play in comparison, keeping in mind that MMII is right when he says that the story you mentioned hasn’t shown up in any of the five searches I’ve made in the past half-hour.

Ginseng farmers in Wisconsin too.
He’s absolutely right. When has the NCAA shown that it is looking out for student athletes? It’s a monopoly that takes in billions. It needs to be broken up.
Basically all the rule changes they make are to benefit the student athlete...but yeah, they never look out for the student athlete.
It isn't on msnbc or cnn so you didn't see it. Go figure.

Here - 100's attended her GD funeral, but it didn't happen.

Of the folks currently “upset” about the Turk/Kurd situation..... I would wager the mortgage money that 98% of them have no F***ing clue as to what has been going on wrt that “conflict” for the last 50 years (more or less)..... including the terms of any number of US Presidents - none of whom have been able to do anything to positively impact the fundamental FUBAR of that entire situation, and are overwhelmingly unlikely to do so moving forward - - - ‘cause it just ain’t something we can control.

They - the currently upset - only know that they want to use it as another item on their grievance list wrt the current occupant of the WH. And that is all. And that is all they really care about. And one can take that to the bank.

With that, I will bid adieu, as this thread (hopefully) moves over to the Crazy People Board. :)
What happened to "No Blood For Oil?!!" and "Bush's Illegal Wars!?" - The responses by the new war hawks are as predictable as the sun coming up in the morning. Shallower character than your average baby pool in anyone bitching now.
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Nor on Fox News, seemingly. It probably has something to do with the difficulty of getting news from Hong Kong confirmed. Ted Cruz is there now, I understand, and he just cancelled a meeting with the HK mayor (?) because Cruz refused a request that the meeting be off the record.

But as for the story, that’s Communist China for you. Can’t say I’m at all surprised.