The founder is one of Googles main stockholder/founders. She has deep it relates to 23 and me they were expecting to have big licensing deal with big Pharma by now. That was the actual business model, has not happened. The first unit to be cut was drug discovery. Could large scale genetic analysis lead to new treatments? Sure, but time ran out on 23 as no sugar daddy came calling. The main target they were banking on was obesity/ metabolic syndrome/ type II diabetes and unfortunately for them the GLIP-1/ incretin agents came on scene and completely altered the landscape in that domain.
Anyone doing business in the genetic/pharmaceutical business knows that startups take 10-15 years or more just to get a drug to market.
If they are facing problems and going under it is very likely they are hitting roadblocks in research/development. Perhaps they are not seeing anything of promise.
If they do go through bankruptcy I would guess a company like Genentech would buy up the data. They have the experience, researchers, and knowledge to properly utilize the database they have built up