These guys in our LE are a bunch of fu*king idiots who can't find their ass with both hands. Really, how much more of a clue to these incompetent boobs need to perhaps intervene? If the shooter owned guns and legally and he makes crazy repeated threats on social media, interview him and have a psych evaluation performed. If warranted, take his guns away and don't allow him to buy more guys.
A layup this was, a freakin layup on a 6 foot high hoop and they miss it.........more than once.
Maybe it's just asking too much to ask federal employees to actually do their job and layoff spending eight hours a day surfing porn at their desks, sexting their co-workers and posting messages on message boards. Total freakin idiots.
These guys in our LE are a bunch of fu*king idiots who can't find their ass with both hands. Really, how much more of a clue to these incompetent boobs need to perhaps intervene? If the shooter owned guns and legally and he makes crazy repeated threats on social media, interview him and have a psych evaluation performed. If warranted, take his guns away and don't allow him to buy more guys.
A layup this was, a freakin layup on a 6 foot high hoop and they miss it.........more than once.
Maybe it's just asking too much to ask federal employees to actually do their job and layoff spending eight hours a day surfing porn at their desks, sexting their co-workers and posting messages on message boards. Total freakin idiots.