is what it's done to those of us who have employer-sponsored health care. Speaking for myself, instead of seeing my PCP the same (or next) day now I must wait until next week! That's what happens when you increase demand by 20M people without a corresponding increase in supply. Demand goes up, prices go up. It's Econ 101. So that not only does Obamacare fail in practice (high deductibles, no options, etc...) but it also fails in its intent to destroy employer-sponsored health care, as I've still got mine. And yet Dems wish to keep it on life support all for the sake preserving Obama's legacy! To h@ll to whether it's fiscally viable or not. "It makes perfect sense."
Onto the larger issue at hand, since when is it my responsibility to provide you, an able bodied worker, with health care?! What will you ask for next, a BWM in your driveway! If healthcare is so important for you then forsake a higher-paying job for a lower-paying one having healthcare. When planning & budgeting for the future try looking beyond tomorrow.
Lastly, watch Paul Ryan like a hawk. He wants to privatize Medicare in the guise of saving taxpayers money without taking anything away from beneficiaries. Watch that dude like a hawk as he's peddling snake oil.
I thank you.
Onto the larger issue at hand, since when is it my responsibility to provide you, an able bodied worker, with health care?! What will you ask for next, a BWM in your driveway! If healthcare is so important for you then forsake a higher-paying job for a lower-paying one having healthcare. When planning & budgeting for the future try looking beyond tomorrow.
Lastly, watch Paul Ryan like a hawk. He wants to privatize Medicare in the guise of saving taxpayers money without taking anything away from beneficiaries. Watch that dude like a hawk as he's peddling snake oil.
I thank you.