I am willing to give CJF a long leash but I gotta tell ya, his game management or rather, mismanagement, really tests my patience. Like what was that last series right before halftime @ MD? Each possession is freaking gold! You gotta make the most of it. Not to mention what message does it send to the kids when you mail it in like that! No, it's not the losing that's bothersome but rather the way we play.
As for the backup QB situation there's thing called the Transfer Portal.
He failed to use it when Will Levis hit the door running. There's no excuse for it. It's either that or he's a poor judge of evaluating QB talent during the recruiting process. It's one or the other so pick your poison. So I'm willing to wait until the season is over before voting 'go' or 'no go'. For CJF it's either adapt or die. In terms of facilities he's got it so much better here than Vandy so why does he 'look a gift horse in the mouth'. My patience wears thin and I know I'm not alone. There's a lot of young, hungry coaching talent out there just waiting for the chance. Gary Patterson arrived at TCU living out of his car. For real.
As for the Big Ten, it looks like Purdue is the closest thing we have to a playoff team and to be brutally honest, they'll get smoked in the playoffs. I watch a lot of college ball and I firmly believe the Big Ten is down this year. Its zenith was reached when we beat Auburn which, as it turns out, is a mediocre SEC team.
College football is cutthroat. You're either moving ahead or you're falling behind. JMO.