Lou Anna Simon charged with lying to police about Nassar...

If Simon did, in fact, lie, how will it impact future settlements? And will Nassar victims who already settled with MSU wish they hadn't? I also read that MSU is paying the legal fees for all three MSU people who have been arrested (which I guess it's pretty standard).
What a seeya next tuesday. She went out of her way to be an asshole whenever she could about PSU, yet at the same time, she was doing way worse. Where's the outrage from Roxine also? MSU isn't giving out money to fake charities so she doesn't care?

nahhh you can say it Lou Ann Simon is a c_u_n_t
I fully expect the powers that be charge and prosecute Lou Ann to the fullest extent of the law, and then some for her sanctimonious and abusive behavior over the PSU issue knowing under her watch or lack thereof, MSU was a complete cesspool of sexual perversion by larry nassar, at a minimum.

Suddenly the NCAA and the Big10 are disinterested? Why am I perplexed, puzzled and surprised? Why isn't the MSM diving into this like a hound in heat? It's right up their alley, trash and vile what more could they desire in a story? Yet they remain disinterested too. Seems no one is interested, ANYMORE yet in 2011/2012 it was front page, scrolling across the TV screen like wildfire. No decent person to pillory, no opportunity to tear down a good school that was not involved in any scale to the level of MSU or tOSU if we ever get the facts which is highly unlikely in Columbus.

Signing off unfulfilled, again.
Question: What “Orange is the New Black” character will Lou Anna Simon will play in prison?
Of course it does. Pay no attention to the fact that Sandusky had his clearances.
We had a scout troop leader who had to do the schools background check.

...even though he was a ballistic missile submarine captain.

So much paper compliance.
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If true, she's cooked. Want to bet she has a quick stroke before sentencing?

I can't believe, knowing this in her background, she came after Paterno so hard. I have no sympathy. I know it is small of me and a character flaw, but I am enjoying this.

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It really is amazing that she did come after Joe so hard. The fact that she acted the way she did reveals to me that she must be one of the most arrogant people on earth. Let's hope she sees time in a federal prison. I volunteer to decorate her cell with photos of Joe.
While decorating with JVP photos is a good touch, I volunteer to defecate in her cell. When you are done decorating, I'll start defecating.
It really is amazing that she did come after Joe so hard. The fact that she acted the way she did reveals to me that she must be one of the most arrogant people on earth. Let's hope she sees time in a federal prison. I volunteer to decorate her cell with photos of Joe.

You have to question everyone who came after Joe so hard... what are they hiding?