Louis Freeh is a Pedophile Enabler

Indisputable facts. No one outside of BWI would disagree with me.
Speaking of a failure...Notice - YOU CAN'T even refute ONE of the points listed in my post (and... there are MANY MORE "disputable facts" concerning those you state are "indisputable" beyond those 3 simple ones listed).

You inability and unwillingness to even TRY to support your statements of "facts" only PROVE BEYOND A DOUBT that you have no way of supporting the OAG Story you have tried so desperately to promote.

REALITY CHECK.....You are nothing more than a fictitious FRAUD - just like the "story of OAG manufactured PSU failures" you try to sell to the public.

Find another OAG case where posting falsehoods allow corrupt politicians to hide those crimes which provide them personal've been exposed as a criminal enabler (a/k/a accomplice) here!
I will not link the latest news that came out regarding McKayla Maroney - it’s tgat distressing - but suffice it to say, that while we were either at Freeh’s July 12, 2012 press conference here in Philadelphia or we were glued to the TV or our mobile devices - Freeh had a national platform that day to use his own FBI’s landmark research on Nice Guy Offenders & educate parents like McKayla’s.

He could have addressed the over 150 members of the media in that room and educated the public on the red flags of Nice Guy/Pillar Of The Community Offenders.

He didn’t. He chose instead to simply repackage the 2011 presentment & audition for a piece of the NCAA investigative compliance pie for his fledgling firm Freeh, Sporkin & Sullivan.

Note that McKayla was on a plane that week to the London Summer Olympics. To be abused by Nice Guy Larry Nassar.

Louis Freeh chose to conceal this information from the public, in favor of good publicity for FSS (and his bank account) allowed the nation to run with a crummy “football cover up” story - thusly enabling Nassar to continue his crimes with impunity.

I am beyond disgusted. And our BoT paid for that.


As always - thank you for allowing me to come over here and vent.

Let's put it this way Wen, "evil" definitely, and very much, exists in the universe and on this planet - some of the most evil humans on this planet are the liars and obfuscators who position themselves on the side of "goodness" and "justice" to the gullible public, but are quite clearly on the side of evil and protect the bad. Why is it that often those who use their "public-provided" bully-pulpit to shout-down everyone and lecture about what wonderful people they are when the clear reality is that they are pieces of human excrement scumbags who protect thieves, liars and the most immoral among us??? Weird how that works, eh?
Let's put it this way Wen, "evil" definitely, and very much, exists in the universe and on this planet - some of the most evil humans on this planet are the liars and obfuscators who position themselves on the side of "goodness" and "justice" to the gullible public, but are quite clearly on the side of evil and protect the bad. Why is it that often those who use their "public-provided" bully-pulpit to shout-down everyone and lecture about what wonderful people they are when the clear reality is that they are pieces of human excrement scumbags who protect thieves, liars and the most immoral among us??? Weird how that works, eh?
2, a 2 BODE. Pick it up. The calm act doesn't work for long.
Indisputable facts. No one outside of BWI would disagree with me.
I hate jumping back into the cesspool but with NO VIC two these simply can not be indisputable facts on this board or anywhere else. Let me refer you to Webster’s if you have any questions.
Let's put it this way Wen, "evil" definitely, and very much, exists in the universe and on this planet - some of the most evil humans on this planet are the liars and obfuscators who position themselves on the side of "goodness" and "justice" to the gullible public, but are quite clearly on the side of evil and protect the bad. Why is it that often those who use their "public-provided" bully-pulpit to shout-down everyone and lecture about what wonderful people they are when the clear reality is that they are pieces of human excrement scumbags who protect thieves, liars and the most immoral among us??? Weird how that works, eh?

Aren't they the same as nice guy offenders?
Speaking of a failure...Notice - YOU CAN'T even refute ONE of the points listed in my post (and... there are MANY MORE "disputable facts" concerning those you state are "indisputable" beyond those 3 simple ones listed).

You inability and unwillingness to even TRY to support your statements of "facts" only PROVE BEYOND A DOUBT that you have no way of supporting the OAG Story you have tried so desperately to promote.

REALITY CHECK.....You are nothing more than a fictitious FRAUD - just like the "story of OAG manufactured PSU failures" you try to sell to the public.

Find another OAG case where posting falsehoods allow corrupt politicians to hide those crimes which provide them personal've been exposed as a criminal enabler (a/k/a accomplice) here!
Indisputable facts. No one outside of BWI would disagree with me.
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Blood is boiling right now.
Freeh has some explaining to do about the lack of ANY urgency by the FBI.

Rewind all the BULLSHIT he has said about Joe, Tim, Gary & Graham - apply Freeh's grandstanding statments to this article - there is simply NO excuse for this from the FBI.

Louis Freeh torched the place over MMQ's bullshit "slapping sounds". And here we are. YEARS WASTED.

Blood is boiling right now.
Freeh has some explaining to do about the lack of ANY urgency by the FBI.

Rewind all the BULLSHIT he has said about Joe, Tim, Gary & Graham - apply Freeh's grandstanding statments to this article - there is simply NO excuse for this from the FBI.

Louis Freeh torched the place over MMQ's bullshit "slapping sounds". And here we are. YEARS WASTED.

The irony is thick when you look at the instigators and bad actors as it relates to Penn State and those who have been or are now being implicated with michigan state. I’m perfectly satisfied chalking it up to The Curse of Joe Paterno.
I might have to write up a new ditty using Freeh's words against his OWN FBI o_O


Just call the police.

Victim count now up to 265.

How many times have the haters & trolls said “call the FBI” “call the State Police” “call the White House” - “if I knew of child sexual abuse I’d be shouting from the rooftops”.

Such bullshit. And anyone who suggested otherwise was marginalized as a Football Crazed Child Rape Enabler worshipping at the altar of a dead coach.

Clearly this “shouting from the rooftops” doesn’t work when when you’re the mother reporting the sexual abuse of your own daughter and your complaint is escalated to the FBI.

The same FBI that never picked up the phone to get more details from the victim or her mother.

She should have just called the Most Powerful Man In Pennsylvania.

But hey - “Slapping Sounds”.
How many times have the haters & trolls said “call the FBI” “call the State Police” “call the White House” - “if I knew of child sexual abuse I’d be shouting from the rooftops”.

Such bullshit. And anyone who suggested otherwise was marginalized as a Football Crazed Child Rape Enabler worshipping at the altar of a dead coach.

Clearly this “shouting from the rooftops” doesn’t work when when you’re the mother reporting the sexual abuse of your own daughter and your complaint is escalated to the FBI.

The same FBI that never picked up the phone to get more details from the victim or her mother.

She should have just called the Most Powerful Man In Pennsylvania.

But hey - “Slapping Sounds”.

one of the stats that stunned me (I think Clemente brought this up) was that less than 5% of people who witness sexual assault actually DO report it to the authorities. just stunning, but also makes you realize over 95% of the chest puffers are lying.
one of the stats that stunned me (I think Clemente brought this up) was that less than 5% of people who witness sexual assault actually DO report it to the authorities. just stunning, but also makes you realize over 95% of the chest puffers are lying.
I think that stat speaks to the conviction of the witnesses. People, like Mike, see what they think COULD be a sexual assault, but their level of confidence is not terribly high. There's a difference....a huge difference....between being reticent to make a false accusation and "looking the other way".

What did MM tell himself over the subsequent ten years to rationalize his actions?
I think that stat speaks to the conviction of the witnesses. People, like Mike, see what they think COULD be a sexual assault, but their level of confidence is not terribly high. There's a difference....a huge difference....between being reticent to make a false accusation and "looking the other way".

What did MM tell himself over the subsequent ten years to rationalize his actions?

Mike told himself he needed to deal with it by seeking employment that put him at the scene of the alleged crime EVERY DAY for the next 9 years. Or 10 years. Depends on which date The OAG tells Mike he heard slapping sex.
How many times have the haters & trolls said “call the FBI” “call the State Police” “call the White House” - “if I knew of child sexual abuse I’d be shouting from the rooftops”.

Such bullshit. And anyone who suggested otherwise was marginalized as a Football Crazed Child Rape Enabler worshipping at the altar of a dead coach.

Clearly this “shouting from the rooftops” doesn’t work when when you’re the mother reporting the sexual abuse of your own daughter and your complaint is escalated to the FBI.

The same FBI that never picked up the phone to get more details from the victim or her mother.

She should have just called the Most Powerful Man In Pennsylvania.

But hey - “Slapping Sounds”.

If you ever take the mandated reporter training in Pennsylvania, there is a question about what you should do if you receive a report of abuse, and one of the options is call the police. If you choose it, you cannot go onto the next question until you fix your answer. No shit, calling the police is considered the wrong answer, the test flags it as such, and you cannot move on until you pick the right answer. Of course, the trolls have been made aware of this numerous times, so make your own judgements about their true character.
one of the stats that stunned me (I think Clemente brought this up) was that less than 5% of people who witness sexual assault actually DO report it to the authorities. just stunning, but also makes you realize over 95% of the chest puffers are lying.

According to Clemente, by blaming the wrong people you actually make it less likely for people to report abuse, not more likely. But what does he know? Perhaps that's why OCY's first thing in its messages is now to point out any report made in good faith indemnifies the reporter from both criminal and civil liability.
I might have to w
I think that stat speaks to the conviction of the witnesses. People, like Mike, see what they think COULD be a sexual assault, but their level of confidence is not terribly high. There's a difference....a huge difference....between being reticent to make a false accusation and "looking the other way".

What did MM tell himself over the subsequent ten years to rationalize his actions?
”I must text more dick pics”