March Matness!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2006
Are there any bars (particularly in the Philly area) that will show wrestling instead of that other national tournament next week? Is there such a place for wrestling enthusiasts? If so, I'd love to know particularly for Friday.
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Are there any bars (particularly in the Philly area) that will show wrestling instead of that other national tournament next week? Is there such a place for wrestling enthusiasts? If so, I'd love to know particularly for Friday.

I'm in the Philly area, but unsure. Given that it's on ESPN3, I'm not sure what bars will have it on.
Oh, well in that case I'm sure there's plenty of places in Philly that will have it.
my guess would be no. philly is not a wrestling city. you'd have to fight the bb crowd for a tv. when the nats were in philly, no bar i was in was showing wrestling.
my guess would be no. philly is not a wrestling city. you'd have to fight the bb crowd for a tv. when the nats were in philly, no bar i was in was showing wrestling.

Yea, but you could go somewhere and ask for ESPN to be put on. Depending what games are on, may not be all that difficult. Just find a low key bar, chances are much higher they'll just put on whatever.
Are there any bars (particularly in the Philly area) that will show wrestling instead of that other national tournament next week? Is there such a place for wrestling enthusiasts? If so, I'd love to know particularly for Friday.

For Friday? Wow, that's a challenge.

First, I'm not aware of any sports bar in Philadelphia that is known as a gathering place for wrestling enthusiasts.

Second, Friday is also St. Patrick's Day, which is one of the biggest nights of the year for any bar.

Lastly, it will also be day 2 of the NCAA BB tournament, and there are usually multiple games going on at the same time on the first two days of the BB tournament.

You might want to google best sports bars in Philadelphia (there are a slew of them), and then contact those located near where you'll be staying to check that they'll have ESPN on. I'd follow that up with a contacting them again on Friday, as what somebody tells you in advance may not be what management plans on Friday.

Good luck.
I'm in the Philly area.. without sounding too creepy, I'm up for a bar to meet and watch with other folks.. I'm sure we can coax the bartender to get 1 or 2 TVs tuned to the REAL March madness..