Matt Parker

Thanks for encouragement n Glad you’ve recovered, biking and elliptical helping me a lot. Sure Makes you appreciate what you got , age has a way of doing that too, also I’m not Jason Nolf so things take me longer than A Super Hero

On 10/20/13 I broke my leg from below the knee to my hip in an ATV accident. I now have a intermedullary nail in my left femur and 6 surgeries and 6 and a half years later other than the 20 pounds of bad weight, 7 pounds of titanium, and nearly a mile of scars i finally ran a 10 minute mile this year. Dont give up youll get there lol
Matt Parker is the quintessential defensive wrestler. If you watched video of Matt and Scottie side by side, it'd be tough to guess who was who, they wrestled so similarly, imo. Their HS records are almost identical as well. At states, Scott went 4,3,2 and Matt went 5,2,3. Both had over 140 wins in HS.
But when Scott went to Lehigh, his improvement was dramatic. He was a 2x AA and ready to do it again when he had a career-ending injury. One would hope that given the other similarities, Matt would again follow in his brother's footsteps. In which case, PSU scored a real coup and will have some points coming out of 125 at nationals. Hey, a guy can dream.