Joy Behar, Chris Matthews Shrug Off Franken’s Behavior as ‘Careless’ ‘Embarrassing’ ‘Satire’
By Kristine Marsh | November 20, 2017 2:44 PM EST
Last week, television and radio host Leeann Tweeden shared her story of being violated and harassed sexually by Minnesota Democrat Senator Al Franken, in 2006, while the two were doing a USO tour together in Afghanistan. Monday, another woman came forward accusing Franken of grabbing her behind while posing for a photo in 2010. Already liberals in the media are out ready to squash the stories as insignificant slips that can in no way tarnish the character of the sitting Democrat Senator.
On Monday’s The View, host Joy Behar didn’t seem too bothered by a second woman coming forward with allegations of misconduct against the sitting Democratic senator. She barely offered any judgment, like the rest of the panel, instead turning the subject to the allegations against Trump.
Host Whoopi Goldberg started off the segment acknowledging a second woman had accused Franken of inappropriate behavior: “She says that he inappropriately touched her while posing for this photo at the Minnesota state fair in 2010 while he was senator. Now, is this going to continue to create a fervor. Do you think there are more folks out there? Should he resign? What should he do?”
Host Joy Behar immediately responded, calling Franken’s behavior simply “odd” and “careless”:
I thought it was an odd thing. I have no reason not to believe the girl. In 2010 I had another show on CNN's channel HLN. I asked Franken to come on. I know him very well. He said I can't come on your show yet because I have to make sure I'm not funny. I'm a senator now. I've got to be serious. So I can't believe that he was so -- what's the word -- careless as to do something like that when he was the senator already, having been so cautious about being funny.
“It’s just...odd,” she added again.
A little while later she defended Franken again, saying the claims against him very totally different than the ones against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore:
“His accusations are not exerting power over these women. That’s a very big distinction,” Behar defended Franken again.
By Kristine Marsh | November 20, 2017 2:44 PM EST

On Monday’s The View, host Joy Behar didn’t seem too bothered by a second woman coming forward with allegations of misconduct against the sitting Democratic senator. She barely offered any judgment, like the rest of the panel, instead turning the subject to the allegations against Trump.
Host Whoopi Goldberg started off the segment acknowledging a second woman had accused Franken of inappropriate behavior: “She says that he inappropriately touched her while posing for this photo at the Minnesota state fair in 2010 while he was senator. Now, is this going to continue to create a fervor. Do you think there are more folks out there? Should he resign? What should he do?”
Host Joy Behar immediately responded, calling Franken’s behavior simply “odd” and “careless”:
I thought it was an odd thing. I have no reason not to believe the girl. In 2010 I had another show on CNN's channel HLN. I asked Franken to come on. I know him very well. He said I can't come on your show yet because I have to make sure I'm not funny. I'm a senator now. I've got to be serious. So I can't believe that he was so -- what's the word -- careless as to do something like that when he was the senator already, having been so cautious about being funny.
“It’s just...odd,” she added again.
A little while later she defended Franken again, saying the claims against him very totally different than the ones against Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore:
“His accusations are not exerting power over these women. That’s a very big distinction,” Behar defended Franken again.