There is enough bullshit spread in this thread to fertilize every farmable acre in Pennsylvania.
1. In the last years of Joe's life, no one and I mean no one every mentioned Jay Paterno as the HC in waiting. Perhaps fanboys did....but the discussions around the program were centered on which influential trustees supported Scrap and those that leaned LJ. It is known that the summer before Joe's final season....a certain trustee called to gauge the interest of Mike London (yep) at Virginia. Evidence that Joe had indeed shared with certain trustees that 2011 would be his last.
2. I'm wondering what evidence we have that Lavar Arrington would have a better perspective than Jay Paterno on what's best for PSU? How long was Lavar Arrington actually on campus? How many years since he spent more than a few days here? Why do we assume that Jay has nefarious goals and reasons for his decisions, but Lavar is a true blue 100% selfless warrior for "dear old State?"
3. I am a proud JoeBot, yet I am often taken to task for my staunch defense of James Franklin. So I really have to question the IQ of anyone who makes statements like " you are either for (behind) James Franklin or you are against him....LOL
4. My impression of James Franklin is that he is a principled, thoughtful and dynamic leader. A man who is more than capable of representing himself. My opinion of him would be somewhat diminished if he was secretly encouraging Lavar Arrington to be his spear.
5. No one has ever presented one ounce of evidence that there is any animosity or acrimony between any member of the Paterno Family and the Franklin Family. I find this sort of speculation to be counterproductive and frankly detrimental to the PSU football program.
6. Jay Paterno is a member of the board of trustees because he was elected by his constituency, the alums of the university. If they don't like what he's doing, can retire him when his term expires. Note to stupid fanboys (worse than just normal fanboys) It would behoove you to look at the trustees who are not duly elected by alums if you have a beef with university governance.