Admittedly, I'm an old dog but has the use of proper language changed? Let me first say that I have a man crush of CJF. I think he's been perfect for our program. He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me. Several times I've heard him say, "Me and my..." Back in my day we were taught to always put others first, "The team and I." Like I said, I'm and old dog and maybe the language has changed and this is acceptable. I've heard many other public figures speaking this way. It just strikes me the same as finger nails on the blackboard. Maybe the days of using proper language have come and went.
No the grammar hasn't changed which is why:
"I have a man crush of CJF" is incorrect and should be "I have a man crush on CJF"
But the acceptable use of language has changed. Example:
"He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me." To be proper in today's language, it needs an immediate politically correct qualifier in-sentence, not after the sentence. Or else, you might be considered a racist. You're sentence would be taken to mean:
"He's sharp, compassionate and articulate which is what surprises me because he's black.(inferred)."
It's also klunky, not fit for the twitter-verse. You would just say he's dope.
I know, nobody likes a smart ass.