30 years in-country and they don't make an attempt to seek naturalization. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
How were they able to buy a house without residency? Jersey is screwed up.
Money problems? Oscar runs a lawn business. Put the two sons to work there. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
"Michael DiRaimondo, the lawyer for Humberta and Oscar Campos, told CNN that prosecutorial discretion "went out the window" with the Trump administration." As did prosecutorial discretion "went out the window" with the Muller probe. Stings doesn't it! Welcome to the new Amerika where no holds are barred.
So Oscar was deported in 1995 but re-entered again, and yet his daughter Janet says he and her mother broke no laws. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
For ten years they reported to ICE every three months. Blame Obama for false hope, for setting them up for failure.
You no like? Go down to Mexico, disrespect their laws similarly and see if you get amnesty treatment.
The takeaway here reciprocal. Reciprocal treatment in trade, immigration, etc... For if you don't respect me as a person then why should I respect you. It's the same $hit.
I thank you and have a blessed day!
30 years in-country and they don't make an attempt to seek naturalization. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
How were they able to buy a house without residency? Jersey is screwed up.
Money problems? Oscar runs a lawn business. Put the two sons to work there. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
"Michael DiRaimondo, the lawyer for Humberta and Oscar Campos, told CNN that prosecutorial discretion "went out the window" with the Trump administration." As did prosecutorial discretion "went out the window" with the Muller probe. Stings doesn't it! Welcome to the new Amerika where no holds are barred.
So Oscar was deported in 1995 but re-entered again, and yet his daughter Janet says he and her mother broke no laws. And we're supposed to feel sorry for them because?
For ten years they reported to ICE every three months. Blame Obama for false hope, for setting them up for failure.
You no like? Go down to Mexico, disrespect their laws similarly and see if you get amnesty treatment.
The takeaway here reciprocal. Reciprocal treatment in trade, immigration, etc... For if you don't respect me as a person then why should I respect you. It's the same $hit.
I thank you and have a blessed day!