Micah Bowens to 4th school

With transfers, red shirts and Covid the players eligibility clocks are all goofy in my mind. But Bowens having 2 more years left somehow is mind blowing...seems like forever ago that he was on our roster.
Yeah. Players that started in 2020 potentially have eligibility through 2025, as do players recruited in 2021. The extra COVID year is finally done next year.
I have to give him credit for getting a degree. It must have been challenging to accumulate the right number and type of credits from three schools.
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Feel bad for the young man. Was looking forward to an exciting college career. Was willing to go far from home to pursue the dream.

Instead hasn’t found a home. Bouncing around the country. Always trying to make new friends. Gotta be tough.

Hope he finds his home and does well.
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